This repo contains a Nodestream plugin to import Cloud Assets and Policies from GCP Asset Inventory into a graph database. Nodestream is a declarative framework for Building, Maintaining, and Anaylzing Data in a Graph Database.
- Automated download of Asset and Policy data from GCP Asset Inventory and import into a graph database
- Graph data model supports exploration and analysis of GCP Resources
- You can create an Aura instance here or,
- You can run Neo4j in a docker container like this:
docker run \
--restart always \
--publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
--env NEO4J_PLUGINS='["apoc"]' \
- Initial credentials are username: neo4j, password: neo4j
- Follow documentation here to authenticate to Google Cloud
pip install nodestream
pip install nodestream-plugin-neo4j
pip install nodestream-plugin-gcp-asset-inventory
- Add the following to nodestream.yaml
- name: gcp_asset_inventory
project_id: <insert your GCP project ID>
database: neo4j
uri: bolt://localhost:7687
username: neo4j
password: yourPassword
nodestream migrations make
nodestream migrations run --target my-db
nodestream run gcpAsset --target my-db
nodestream run gcpPolicy --target my-db
Explore in Neo4j Aura allows you to easily explore the Asset graph you just built.