Hi, I have created this Hapi JS and typescript scaffolding. If you are using Hapi JS for some real world application you should try this framework This is my official starter kit which has been tested in our production and passed all the scalability, performance and reliability expectations.
This starter kit comes with the following features:
- Swagger-UI
- Status Monitor
- .env files support
- nodemon for hot-reload
- Pretty Console Logger with Winston
- PM2 with configuration file for deploying on servers
- Inbuilt cron hosting module
- Postgres Connection with Sequelize
- Redis Connection
- NodeJS > 12.x (LTS version)
- NPM > 6.x
- Postgres > 13.x
- Redis > 4.x
Download this project as a zip and extract git clone https://github.com/abbey007/hapijs-boiler-plate.git
npm install
Setup .env file as per your enviorment credentials (Use NODE_ENV = development if running on local or dev or qa machines).
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:3000/documentation to view swagger docs.
Visit http://localhost:3000/status to view the status monitor.
- npm install
npm install pm2 -g
- set port in ecosystem.config.js
- run sh start.sh from command line
- npm run compile
This configuration is used in case if you want to debug your project using VScode Debugger
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"skipFiles": [
"runtimeArgs": [
"args": [
If you found a bug, or you have an answer, or whatever. Please, raise an issue.
Of course, if you see something that you want to upgrade from this library, or a bug that needs to be solved, PRs are welcome!