A text adventure game featuring time travel.
This project is not really in a playable state. I am still working on the framework, so the actual story needs a lot of work.
This game was written for python 3.
Get yourself a virtualenv:
python3 -m venv .
. bin/activate
Then install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To play, simply run python adventure.py
we create a world for each timezone past/present each room has a set of coordinates indicating its place in three dimensions
present: x-y-z: title: str description: [long, short] blocked: bool blocked_reason: str blocked_description: str unblocked: str room_items: title: str description: str use_location: [x, y, z]
Further info:
blocked_description: This is added to the description if the room is blocked.
unblocked: This is printed when the room is unlocked.
use_location Where this is item needed.