The idea behind this project is to provide a generalized, (more or less) opinioated and convenient make/Makefile stub, focused on "All things Docker". It can be utilized by developers and maschines alike (e.g. TeamCity, Jenkins, GoCD, ...)
Except for the auto-generated help
, the stub does not implement any make
. Its purpose is to provide a common target-naming for different purposes, the means to easily define variables and a color-coded (xterm-256
), auto-generated usage/help.
Currently available stubs:
- for
- for
- for
To make it work, the only thing you have to add at least the
to your project/repository. Add other .mk
files depending on your context (pure Docker, docker-compose, Rancher using rancher-compose) Next add add the following at the beginning of your Makefile
# Include available stubs
include *.mk
Every .mk
comes with an opinionated list of targets relevant for the corresponding context and a "default documentation". Targets that have been implemented in your Makefile
are color-coded as yellow (name) and green (documentation), all others are displayed in red.
It is totally up to you how targets behave and what they do. To implement a target, add the following to your Makefile
.PHONY: target
target:: ##@MyCategory This is a description of what this target does.
@echo "Yay!"
Valid target descriptions are:
- ##@MyCategory<space>Description
- ##@My<space>category<space>rocks<tab>Description
Important: You have to implement targets as Double-Colon Rule because the .mk
files define it this way.
If the stub defines a target pre-categorized in e.g. Docker
, you can also override this in your own documentation:
run:: ##@Compose I want run in Compose not Docker
The make help
auto-generation will detect this and display only one run
categorized under Compose
instead of both of them (one below Docker
and one below Compose
When creating all this, the following requirements had been defined:
- any (overrideable) variable relevant for any target's behaviour and its value should be automatically displayed in
make help
- variables must be overrideable as you'd expect it from
using e.g.make VAR=value mytarget
VAR=value make mytarget
orexport VAR=value; make mytarget
- all (and only) these variables should be able to pass to a sub-process, which can use them to interpolate them (e.g. in
) - internal
variables should not pollute the usage/help
Do define a variable that suffices these criteria, add the following at the beginnging of your Makefile
# Docker
$(eval $(call defw,NS,
$(eval $(call defw,REPO,myprojectrepo))
$(eval $(call defw,VERSION,latest))
Your CI (e.g. TeamCity) can then define a build-step like this:
make VERSION=build-%build.counter% deploy
In order to pass all your defined variables to a sub-process for further use in e.g. docker-compose.yml
add the special variable $(shell_env)
in front of your call:
$(eval $(call defw,MY_VAR1,value1))
$(eval $(call defw,MY_VAR2,value2))
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: ##@MyTargets this is a target
$(shell_env) rancher-compose up -d
This results in rancher-compose up -d
being called with
MY_VAR1="value1" MY_VAR2="value2" rancher-compose up -d
For an example see below.
We already experimented with integrating Hasicorp's Vault for variables that contain secrets which should not be stored in any VCS, for example:
$(deval $(call defw,RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY,$(call vault,rancher/api,.data.access_key)
$(deval $(call defw,RANCHER_SECRET_KEY,$(call vault,rancher/api,.data.secret_key)
This is still experimental and has not been added to this repository yet! It's documented here just to give you an idea of what could (should) be possible.
See - documentation pending!
# Docker
$(eval $(call defw,NS,
$(eval $(call defw,REPO,myrepo))
$(eval $(call defw,VERSION,latest))
$(eval $(call defw,NAME,my-run-name))
.PHONY: build
build:: ##@Docker Build an image
docker build --pull -t $(NS)/$(REPO):$(VERSION) .
.PHONY: ship
ship:: ##@Docker Ship the image (build, ship)
ship:: build
docker push $(NS)/$(REPO):$(VERSION)
.PHONY: run
run:: ##@Docker Run a container (build, run attached)
run:: build
docker run --rm --name $(NAME) $(PORTS) $(VOLUMES) $(ENVS) $(NS)/$(REPO):$(VERSION)
.PHONY: start
start:: ##@Docker Run a container (build, run detached)
start:: build start
docker run -d --name $(NAME) $(PORTS) $(VOLUMES) $(ENVS) $(NS)/$(REPO):$(VERSION)
.PHONY: stop
stop:: ##@Docker Stop the running container
docker stop $(NAME)
.PHONY: clean
clean:: ##@Docker Remove the container
docker rm -f $(NAME)
.PHONY: release
release:: ##@Docker Build and Ship
release:: build ship
make build
make VERSION=testing build
make PORTS="-p 8080:80" run
make NAME=justtesting start
.PHONY: up
up:: ##@Compose Start the whole thing
docker-compose up
.PHONY: deploy
deploy:: ##@Rancher Deploy/Upgrade the stack, finishing earlier upgrades (build, ship, finish, deploy)
deploy:: build ship finish
$(shell_env) rancher-compose -p $(RANCHER_STACK_NAME) up -d --upgrade
.PHONY: finish
finish:: ##@Rancher Finish an earlier upgrade
$(shell_env) rancher-compose -p $(RANCHER_STACK_NAME) up -d --confirm-upgrade
.PHONY: rollback
rollback:: ##@Rancher Rollback an active upgrade
$(shell_env) rancher-compose -p $(RANCHER_STACK_NAME) up -d --rollback
For information regarding the $(shell_env))
see above.
io.rancher.container.pull_image: always
io.rancher.container.hostname_override: container_name
traefik.frontend.rule: ${TRAEFIK_FRONTEND_RULE}
traefik.port: ${TRAEFIK_PORT}
image: ${NS}/${REPO}:${VERSION}
$(eval $(call defw,TRAEFIK_FRONTEND_RULE,
$(eval $(call defw,TRAEFIK_PORT,8080))
.PHONY: deploy
deploy:: ##@Rancher Deploy/Upgrade the stack, finishing earlier upgrades (build, ship, finish, deploy)
deploy:: build ship finish
$(shell_env) rancher-compose -p $(RANCHER_STACK_NAME) up -d --upgrade
You can redefine functions (update-safe) by adding e.g. .stub/
define verbose_info
@echo ${TURQUOISE}
@echo ------------------------------ I like dashes more ------------------------------
@echo ${1}
@echo ------------------------------
@tput -Txterm sgr0 # ${RESET} won't work here for some reason
target:: ##@Category Description
$(call verbose_info,Doing something here)
target:: ##@Category Description
$(call verbose_warning,Doing something here)
target:: ##@Category Description
$(call verbose_error,Doing something here)
Clone this repository and just call make help
and/or make all
- prwhite for the initial idea of self-documenting targets (
- lordnynex for
- HarasimowiczKamil for
- boutin and dready for feedback and challenging the idea/concept
- allow categorization for variables too, maybe even bundle categorized variables with their correspondig, categorized targets for
make help
- add example implementations for docker, docker-compose and rancher-compose