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adding services to ansible broker.adoc

Paul Wright edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Adding Mobile Services to the OpenShift Ansible Broker

Reconfigure the Broker

oc edit configmap broker-config -n ansible-service-broker

Add the following to the registry array:

  - type: "dockerhub"
    name: "aerogearcatalog"
    url: ""
    org: "aerogearcatalog"
    tag: "latest"
      - ".*-apb$"
The name must be different for each registry entry.

Redeploy the Broker

Trigger a rollout to force a redeploy.

oc rollout latest asb -n ansible-service-broker

Verify the ASB Pod is running before continuing

oc get po -l app=ansible-service-broker

Relist the Catalog

For this step, the apb tool is used. This can be installed on your system, or used from a docker image. See for information on installing it. Then run this command:

apb relist

Alternatively, if using the docker image, run:

docker run --rm --privileged -v $HOME/.kube:/.kube -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -u 1000 relist
You will need to be logged into your OpenShift cluster with a user who has the necessary permissions to relist the catalog. The cluster-admin role should have all necessary permissions.

Verify Mobile Services are shown in the Catalog

In the OpenShift Catalog, additional Services should now be shown. These will appear either in the 'Other' category, or in a 'Mobile' category, if that is available in your OpenShift cluster.