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Meeting 2010 03 17 log

Adrien Gallou edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision
<Stormi> so, let's start
<Stormi> we have 2 weeks left until version 0.2
<ttp> let's enumerate the things we want to talk about
<ttp> -progress on synchro
<ttp> -progress on packagin
<ttp> - dev branch 
<ttp> -0.2 in general
<Stormi> yes
<ttp> haven't you anything else ?
<Stormi> it should be enough for tonight
<ttp> ok.
<ttp> the syncho
<ttp> synchro
<ttp> apparently it works, there is is_application to implement ?
<Stormi> it kind of works for mageia, see the synchronization I just did
<Stormi> remaing :
<Stormi> - is_application
<Stormi> - solve media naming problem (sophie adds -src to media names when they contain SRPMS)
* Xaris est parti (Remote host closed the connection)
* Xaris ([email protected]) a rejoint #madb
<Stormi> - cleaner error handling
<Stormi> - remove RPMs when they are no more in the media (synchronization only adds new ones at the moment)
<Stormi> - really check config files
<Stormi> - allow to use custom config files to override part of the default config files
<ttp> ok. that's awesome.
<ttp> how many time did you think there is on the remaing ?
<Stormi> - logging
<Stormi> (with a specific log for errors)
* Xaris est parti (Remote host closed the connection)
<Stormi> - cron job or daemon that performs the synchronization automaticallty
<ttp> (is there enought time will we have to cut in the futures that you just told)
<Stormi> what do you mean ?
* Xaris ([email protected]) a rejoint #madb
<ttp> did you think that we will be able to do all of that in two weeks ?
<Stormi> probably not everything, the custom config file and cleaner error handling parts can be delayed
<Stormi> logging too, using current output
<Stormi> the 3 other items are indispensable
<Stormi> I think one day work Could be sufficient to finish those 3 items
<Stormi> oh, I forgot : 
<Stormi> - redo test data
<ttp> ok. maybe i could do some of those tasks.
<Stormi> I will formalize them in tickets
<ttp> for example error handeling and daemon
<ttp> ok
<Stormi> there's another thing, but that could wait post 0.2
<Stormi> - light datetime based synchronization
<ttp> what's that ?
<Stormi> because the full synchronization will take some time when there are many distreleases and media
<Stormi> on my computer, synchro takes 22s when there are no new RPMs
<Stormi> you can multiply that by a minimum of 20 for Mandriva
<Stormi> (more RPMs, more distreleases)
<Stormi> which makes more than 5 minutes just to check "if" there are new RPMs
<Stormi> the initial plan was : each 5 or 10 minutes, ask Sophie "what are the new RPMs since that datetime", and every hour ou 2 hours, full synchro
<ttp> ok.
<Stormi> at the moment only the full synchro is implemented
<Stormi> but for 0.2 we can have a full synchro every 20 minutes, it should work
<ttp> but like you that it can wait, i'ts just to be faster.
<Stormi> be faster and put less load on sophie
<ttp> ok. that's all for synchro ?
<Stormi> (sorry, Matthias crying :))
<Stormi> so yes, that's all, and I welcome help to finish in time :)
<ttp> :)
<Stormi> now, packaging subject
<ttp> i've got a task the create a tgz with a makefile that works
<ttp> it does install and uninstall 
<ttp> and some of the of the production-useless files are deleted before creating it
<Stormi> such as ?
<ttp> for now i've explode the symfony directories across the filesystem
<ttp> such as tests.
<Stormi> does your task install symfony ?
<Stormi> (ie, does symfony have a separate package ?)
<ttp> the doc and the doctrine plugin
<Stormi> ideally, installing mageia-app-db-0.2.rpm should install symfony-1.4.rpm
<ttp> the full list is available here :
<ttp> for now symfony is still in the vendor folder
<ttp> i think that it will stay for a moment 
<Stormi> that's something mageia sysadmins may not like
<ttp> for 0.2
<Stormi> for 0.2 no pb
<ttp> and for 0.3 we could try to make an rpm of symfony
<Stormi> but in the future ideally we should first package symfony, then see how we can package madb to make use of it
<Stormi> k
<ttp> because before trying to create the symfony we sould try to make it work with symfony in it
<ttp> and bonus of symfony rpm, is that madb rpm will be ligther (4Mb with symfony)
<Stormi> yes
<ttp> so package remaining tasks : 
<ttp> - a create instance task
<ttp> (but a problem maybe that the symfonty environnement will may no be fully available due to the filesystem explosion)
<ttp> - the spec rpm file and taks generating it with also the rpm and sourcerpm
<ttp> (rpm and sourcerpm created by the task may be usefull for testing purposes)
<Stormi> yes
<ttp> - create a symfony package
<ttp> - make it reviewed by someone else
<Stormi> what does the current make install do, does it create an instance ?
<ttp> no it does not create any instance
<ttp> (the task doesn't work for now)
<Stormi> ok
<ttp> and i think that i shouldn't do it automaticly
<ttp> we install and then we create the wanted instance name
<Stormi> ok
<Stormi> so question is, will you have time to finish that for 0.2 given all the other tasks ?
<Stormi> (especially )
<ttp> yes, i think i will have time. on the package task i will continue the create instance task and stop (the rpm spec can wait, filtering first)
<Stormi> ok. issue 118 remains top priority for me, because the current interface confuses users so we can't have many of them test
<ttp> ok. so won't even continue create instance
<ttp> and start the filtering
<ttp> like that if it's "en retard" we could still have the filtering features
<Stormi> yes :)
<Stormi> anything to add to the packaging subject ?
<ttp> no, that's all
<ttp> now the dev branch
<Stormi> ok, that was an interesting topic :)
<ttp> ah. i was waiting for you,th
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