16/0022673 - Ailamar Alves Guimarães
16/0016428 - Paulo Victor de Menezes Lopes
18/0114689 - Tiago Samuel Rodrigues
18/0114093 - Lucas Ursulino Boaventura
Grupo de Desenvolvimento de Software da Universidade de Brasília com finalidade de criar uma das fases para o "jogo da vida"
A very simple game engine based on the excellent Arcade library. This is an educational game engine designed to support only very limited kind of games. The current implementation only support platformers (e.g, Mario Bros.), but maybe it will support other kinds games in the future.
First pip install it (you will need Python 3.6+):
$ pip install fgarcade
$ python3.7 -m pip install fgarcade --user
The a game.py file and optionally a folder called assets. The "Platformer" class
from fgarcade
implements most of the logic necessary to build a platform.
You still have to define the scenery, configure some options, and maybe add custom
logic and renderizations:
# game.py
import fgarcade as ge
@ge.create_platformer('Simple game')
def game(world):
Create game and initialize the variables.
world.player_initial_position = (5, 1.5)
world.create_tower(10, 2, coords=(0, 1))
world.create_ground(3, coords=(2, 3))
world.create_ground(3, coords=(6, 1))
world.create_platform(3, coords=(4, 5))
world.create_platform(3, coords=(12, 4))
world.create_ground(35, coords=(0, 0), smooth_ends=False)
world.create_ramp('up', 6, coords=(15, 1))
world.create_ground(5, coords=(21, 6), smooth_ends=False, height=6)
world.create_ramp('down', 6, coords=(26, 7))
world.create_tower(10, coords=(34, 1))
if __name__ == "__main__":