Fetch user profiles directly from steamcommunity.com
$ npm install
And start
$ npm start
After bootstraped, you'll get the following JSON response by accessing http://localhost:8090/user/ajhsu
"currentStatus":"Currently Offline",
"lastStatus":"Last Online 6 hrs, 21 mins ago",
"realName":"AJ Hsu",
"recentPlayTime":"55.8 hours past 2 weeks",
"name":"Don't Starve Together",
"details":"7.7 hrs on record\nlast played on 4 Jul"
"name":"Street Fighter V",
"details":"3.3 hrs on record\nlast played on 3 Jul"
"name":"Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad",
"details":"0.0 hrs on record\nlast played on 2 Jul"