Common packages and configurations for easy sharing and setup
- Sublime must be previously installed and the package control plugin already installed
- Almost intended to be used on Mac and should someway work on Linux
- Fork
- Clone your fork into "~/.sublime_files":
git clone ~/.sublime_files
- Install:
cd ~/.sublime_files && bash
- Edit to suit your needs
This will backup all the sublime_files that you are using in the ~/.sublime_files/backup
directory and will symlink the User
foder inside your sublime folder (Mac and Linux supported, the latter poorly tested)
sublime text packages. At the moment we're serving the following packages:
├── Color\ Highlighter ├── Default\ (Linux).sublime-keymap ├── Default\ (OSX).sublime-keymap ├── GitGutter.sublime-settings ├── MarkdownPreview.sublime-settings ├── PHP\ Haml.sublime-settings ├── PHP.sublime-settings ├── Package\ Control.cache ├── Package\ Control.last-run ├── Package\ Control.merged-ca-bundle ├── Package\ Control.sublime-settings ├── Package\ Control.system-ca-bundle ├── Package\ Control.user-ca-bundle ├── Preferences.sublime-settings ├── Ruby\ Haml.sublime-settings ├── Ruby\ Slim.sublime-settings ├── Ruby.sublime-settings ├── RubyTest.last-run ├── RubyTest.sublime-settings ├── Sass.sublime-settings ├── SimpleCov ├── SublimeLinter ├── SublimeLinter.sublime-settings └── Terminal.sublime-settings
Pr0nz0rz fresh key maps
- "\" to comment
- "super+k", "super+r" to easylly run ruby tests
- "super+shift+w" to close all buffs
- rockstar moves:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+up"], "command": "scroll_lines", "args": {"amount": 5.0} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+down"], "command": "scroll_lines", "args": {"amount": -5.0} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+up"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "stops", "empty_line": true, "forward": false} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+down"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "stops", "empty_line": true, "forward": true} }, { "keys": ["super+k", "super+c"], "command": "show_at_center" },
Sane configurations as garnish.