This is a partial codebase for the WRF practice I produced during my Numerical Weather Prediction class at the University of Utah. Only the driving namelist and batch files are included due to storage restraints.
Here is a step-by-step guide for running the WRF model with my code. Start with WRF Preprocessing System (WPS), run WRF model, and post-process with wrf-python.
- Edit namelist.wps to preferred domain configuration
- Link initial conditions data to WPS
./link_grib.csh /path/to/your/data/*
- Run WPS script
- In this case, run batch script
sbatch run_wps
- Use ncl to view domains
module load ncl
ncl util/plotgrids_new.ncl
- Check SLURM error and output files to ensure model
- Move to ../run directory
- Change namelist.input to reflect the following
- Domain info from namelist.wps
- Physics schemes
- Link WPS files to WRF run
ln –s ../WPS/met_em* .
- Run WRF real batch script
sbatch run_real
- Check SLURM output files for errors
- Run WRF final batch script
sbatch run_wrf
- Check SLURM output file for errors
- Use ncview to view WRF output
'module load ncview'
- Develop wrf-python scripts for better visualizations