CloudConductor is a cloud-based workflow engine for defining and executing bioinformatics pipelines in a cloud environment. Currently, the framework has been tested extensively on the Google Cloud Platform, but will eventually support other platforms including AWS, Azure, etc.
- User-friendly
- Define complex workflows by linking together user-defined modules that can be re-used across pipelines
- Config_obj for clean, readable workflows (see below example)
- +50 pre-installed modules for existing bioinformatics tools
- Portable
- Docker integration ensures reproducible runtime environment for modules
- Platform independent (currently supports GCS; AWS, Azure to come)
- Modular/Extensible
- User-defined Plug-N-Play modules
- Re-used across pipelines, re-combined in any combination
- Modules easily added, customized as new tools needed, old tools changed
- Eliminates copy/paste re-use of code across workflows
- User-defined Plug-N-Play modules
- Pre-Launch Type-Checking
- Strongly-typed module declarations allow catching pipeline errors before they occur
- Pre-launch checks make sure all external files exist before runtime
- Scalable
- Removes resource limitations imposed by cluster-based HPCCs
- Elastic
- VM usage automatically scales to match input file sizes, computational needs
- Scatter-Gather Parallelism
- In-built logic for dividing large tasks into small chunks and re-combining
- Economical
- Preemptible/Spot instances drastically cut workflow costs
CloudConductor is currently designed only for Linux systems. You will need to install and configure the following tools to run your pipelines on Google Cloud:
Python v2.7.*
You can check your Python version by running the following command in your terminal:
$ python -V Python 2.7.10
To install the correct version of Python, visit the official Python website.
Python packages: configobj, jsonschema, requests
You will need pip to install the above packages. After installing pip, run the following commands in your terminal:
# Upgrade pip sudo pip install -U pip # Install Python modules sudo pip install -U configobj jsonschema requests
Follow the instructions on the official Google Cloud website.
For more information about CloudConductor and how to use it check the documentation.
usage: CloudConductor [-h] --input SAMPLE_SET_CONFIG --name PIPELINE_NAME
--pipeline_config GRAPH_CONFIG --res_kit_config
RES_KIT_CONFIG --plat_config PLATFORM_CONFIG --plat_name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to config file containing input files and information for one or more samples.
--name PIPELINE_NAME Descriptive pipeline name. Will be appended to final output dir. Should be unique across runs.
--pipeline_config GRAPH_CONFIG
Path to config file defining pipeline graph and tool-specific input.
--res_kit_config RES_KIT_CONFIG
Path to config file defining the resources used in the pipeline.
--plat_config PLATFORM_CONFIG
Path to config file defining platform where pipeline will execute.
Platform to be used. Possible values are:
Google (as module 'GooglePlatform')
-v Increase verbosity of the program.Multiple -v's increase the verbosity level:
0 = Errors
1 = Errors + Warnings
2 = Errors + Warnings + Info
3 = Errors + Warnings + Info + Debug
Absolute path to the final output directory.
Below, we use CloudConductor's in-built scatter-gather logic to align a set of reads to a reference genome.
# Trim input FASTQ reads with Trimmomatic
module = Trimmomatic
# Scatter trimmed FASTQ into smaller chunks for fast alignment
module = FastqSplitter
input_from = trim_reads
# Align chunks in parallel to reference genome using BWA
module = BWA
input_from = split_fastq, get_read_group
# Index BAM files output by BWA
module = Samtools
submodule = Index
input_from = align_reads
# Merge split BAM files into single bam
module = MergeBams
input_from = align_reads, index_bam
Get started with our full documentation to explore the ways CloudConductor can streamline the development and execution of complex, multi-sample workflows typical in bioinformatics.
CloudConductor is actively under development. To get involved or request features, please any of the authors listed below.