This is the public bot for alt:V that helps manage the server.
There's now a boolean for the ICommand for skipPermissionCheck
If skipPermissionCheck
is set to true
it ignores checks.
However, if set to false then nobody can access the command but Admins.
If you add a role to the command through permadd
anyone with that role can execute that command. This command is hard-locked to Admin(s) as well as the permremove
and permclear
This makes permission(s) very simple and follow a basic hierarchy.
Hierarchy Being
0. skipPermissionCheck as true
1. Admin
2. Discord Role
Command are individual file(s) and each file has a basic format.
Example BAN command.
import * as Discord from 'discord.js';
import { ICommand } from '../interfaces/ICommand';
import RegexUtility from '../utility/regex';
const command: ICommand = {
command: 'ban',
description: '<user> - Ban a player from the server.',
execute: async (msg: Discord.Message, user: string, reason: string) => {
const guildMember = msg.guild.members.cache.get(RegexUtility.parseUserID(user));
if (!guildMember) {
msg.reply('User does not exist.');
export default command;
There is a logging service built in that lets you bind a log type to a discord channel.
All commands and data passed through the logger are pushed to that channel.
You can bind any log type with !bindlogs <type> <channel>
import { LoggerService } from '../service/logger';
import { LOG_TYPES } from '../enums/logTypes';
msg: `Hello from moderator loggings.`
This uses environment variables. You either use a .env
file or pass environment variables in. Here is the current config.
Make sure when you make a discord bot that you turn on all user intent options in developer settings.
You need NodeJS 14+
You need a Discord Bot Token
You need a standalone MongoDB Server
npm install
npm run
npm run dev