This build uses npm, gulp, and browserify to manage dependencies.
To install gulp:
- run "npm install -g gulp"
To build the build:
- run "npm install" to download the 3rd party libs in package.json
- run "gulp" to browserify them (ie, to create the minified, namespace-armored js/app.js file).
To run the project:
- run "npm install -g http-server"
- run "http-server"
- go to "http://localhost:8080"
- in the future, since you've already installed http-server you can just run "http-server"
While developing, run gulp in the background - ie, run "gulp" in a terminal and leave it running. It will automatically recompile app.js as you edit the src files.
- LICENSE.txt - the MIT license
- - this help file
- crossdomain.xml
- css/
- images/ - contains the marker image files for AwesomeMarkers
- leaflet.awesome-markers.css - CSS for AwesomeMarkers Leaflet plugin
- normalize.css - cross-browser CSS, derived from HTML5 Boilerplate
- main.css - the single CSS file that the browser uses, compiled from the SASS files in scss/
- gulpfile.js - the gulp file. This file tells gulp how to compile app.js from the various libraries and src files.
- humanfont/ - HumanitarianFont, the font we use for the markers.
- humans.txt - the credits. Add yourself!
- index.html - the sole HTML file that serves to convey all of this JS
- js/app.js - the single JS file that the browser uses, compiled from the other JS files and libraries
- js/app.min.js - minified version of the js/app.js. Please make sure you run gulp task while making changes to the code
- node-modules/ - the libraries that are installed by npm. If the build has run successfully, this folder should contain:
- crossfilter
- gulp
- gulp-sas
- gulp-util
- jquery
- leaflet
- leaflet.markercluster
- mapbox.js
- split
- vinyl-source-stream
- watchify