Source code for the small-angle scattering tutorials website:
The code is open souce and everyone are welcome to edit and contribute!
We (the developer team) especially encourage tutorials with walk-through of analysis on actual data.
Level 1: Report bugs/typos/other using the Issues tab, or join the discussion - all feedback is valuble!
Level 2: You can edit/improve/extend existing tutorials using Github
(general GitHub instructions:
Level 3: You can add a new tutorial, see the Template tutorial.
Level 4: Join the development team. We are happy to welcome members in the development team.
Andreas Haahr Larsen (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
Martin Cramer Pedersen (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
Jacob Judas Kain Kirkensgaard (Niels Bohr Institute and Food Science, University of Copenhagen)
- Use the Issues tab for report bugs, mistakes, typos, insufficient info, or technical issues
- Use the Discussions tab for ideas, questions, suggestions.