note: in the actual implementation, both go and rails service share the same redis cluster, however, they don't share any keys
- rails_service:
- mySQL: well, a database
- rails: a restful rails api that servers GET/PUT requests
- sneakers: a worker that consumes messages from rabbitMQ of records waiting to be persisted
- elasticsearch: and index to the Messages table
- redis: two hashes populated with the counters that needs to be persisted
- whenever(scheduled crons): a job that runs every 1 minute to persist the counters into the db and reset them in the cache
- go_service:
- mux: an api for creating resources
- redis: hashes to serve resources numbers
- rabbitMQ publishers: publish messages for resources waiting to be processed and persisted
- reverse_proxy: an nginx server that acts as a router to the two services above
Run docker-compose up -d
Ports for all services are forwarded to host for testing purposes, you can comment them and only keep the one for nginx service
Run docker-compose rails_service exec rspec
to run the tests
- Create Application
# request:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:80/api/applications' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"application_name": <APP_NAME>
# response:
"type": "application",
"application_token": "2a3bbac-456e-4rf6-...",
"application_name": "myname"
- Create Chat
# request:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:80/api/applications/<APP_TOKEN>/chats' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"chat_name": <CHAT_NAME>
# response:
"type": "chat",
"application_token": "2a7b3bbd-45e2-4eff-...",
"chat_number": 2,
"chat_name": "mychatname"
- Create Message
# request:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:80/api/applications/<APP_TOKEN>/chats/<CHAT_NUMBER>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"application_name": <APP_NAME>
# response:
"type": "message",
"application_token": "2a7b3bbd-45e2-4eff-b7cd-...",
"chat_number": 1,
"message_number": 1,
"message_content": "hello world!"
- Search Chat Messages
# request:
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:80/api/applications/<APP_TOKEN>/chats/<CHAT_NUMBER>/search' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"search_query" : <SEARCH_QUERY>
# response:
"number": 1,
"content": "hello world!"
- Supported endpoints:
# applications
GET /api/applications
GET /api/applications/:token
PATCH /api/applications/:token
PUT /api/applications/:token
# chats
GET /api/applications/:app_token/chats
GET /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:number
PATCH /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:number
PUT /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:number
GET /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:chat_number/search
# messages
GET /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:chat_number/messages
GET /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:chat_number/messages/:number
PATCH /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:chat_number/messages/:number
PUT /api/applications/:app_token/chats/:chat_number/messages/:number