####How to set up this Vindinium client
Goal: After following the steps below, you should have vindinium set up and ready to run inside of your IDE ( You should be able to use the terminal (alt-t) to run your bot with the command: node test.js or node stable.js depending on which file you are running.
##To setup your IDE ( is used here)
Click on + to create new workspace
name your workspace
Under “Clone from git or Mercurial URL” paste in
Under “Choose a template” click on Node.js
Click “Create Workspace”
Go to Terminal (alt-t)
enter: npm install
enter: npm install pathfinding
enter: npm install colors
enter: npm install cli-table
go to and Create a New Bot
copy the provided key
In your IDE open the file test.js
paste the provided key in the space provided on line 3
####If provided a private server -
go to the private server and Create a New Bot
copy the provided key
In your IDE open the file test.js
paste the provided key in the space provided on line 4
Change ‘PRIVATE_SERVER_HERE’ to the url provided for the private server
##To run your Bot
Make sure you have either line 3 or line 4 commented out with //
line 3 is set up to test your bot on
line 4 is set up to play your bot on a private server (if provided)
go to your terminal
to run your stable version of your bot, enter: node stable.js
to run your test version of your bot, enter: node test.js
##To make changes to your bot All students should have a stable bot that will run. Make changes only to your test.js. When your test.js bot is running well from the changes you have made, copy/paste from your test, to your stable. That way you can always join in any competitions without having to try and debug first.