This Ruby gem contains clients for the AffiliateWindow ( suite of APIs and webservices. It currently supports:
AffiliateService (SOAP)
Merchant and category meta-data
ShopWindow data feeds.
Configure an account for the gem to use with all clients. If you’re working with Rails, you could do this in an initializer:
AffiliateWindow.account = :user => '12345', :datafeed_password => 'e9db...', :api_key => 'fc70...', :api_password => 'dc3024ea...' )
To get all today’s transactions with the AffiliateService SOAP client:
client = response = client.request(:get_transaction_list) do soap.body = { :d_start_date =>, :d_end_date =>, :s_date_type => 'transaction' } end puts r.to_hash
This outputs something like:
{:get_transaction_list_response=>{:get_transaction_list_return=>{:transaction=>{:i_id=>"72417910", :s_status=>"pending", :s_type=>"normal", :s_ip=>"", :b_paid=>false, :i_payment_id=>"0", :i_merchant_id=>"9999", :f_sale_amount=>"318.74", :f_commission_amount=>"9.56", :d_click_date=>"2012-05-26 19:48:30", :d_transaction_date=>"2012-05-26 20:41:03", :s_clickref=>"4fc125b25ef7f37589000ac7", :a_transaction_parts=>{:transaction_part=>{:s_commission_group_name=>"Default Commission", :f_sale_amount=>"318.74", :f_commission_amount=>"9.56", :i_commission=>"3", :s_commission_type=>"percentage"}}}}, :get_transaction_list_count_return=>{:i_rows_returned=>"1", :i_rows_available=>"1"}}}
To download a product feed CSV for a set of merchants:
store_to = "tmp/" client = => [1,2,3,4]) client.fetch(store_to)
Merchants: { |merchant| puts merchant.inspect }
Categories: { |category| puts merchant.inspect }
There’s currently only a Transaction model, and this is a work in progress.
Use VCR for test coverage
Extend test coverage to actually connect to API with real URLs and test responses, to protect against API changes.
Handle ‘merchant’ user type for AffiliateService authentications.
This is in production use on If you’re using this, let me know.
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2011 [email protected]. See LICENSE.txt for further details.