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A Trivy plugin that scans and outputs the results (vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more) to an interactive html file.
trivy plugin install
trivy plugin uninstall scan2html
trivy scan2html fs --scanners vuln,secret,misconfig . interactive_report.html
trivy scan2html k8s cluster interactive_report.html
trivy scan2html k8s --report=all interactive_report.html
trivy scan2html k8s --report summary cluster interactive_report.html
trivy scan2html image --format spdx alpine:3.15 interactive_report.html
$ trivy scan2html -h
Usage: trivy scan2html [-h,--help] command target filename
A Trivy plugin that scans and outputs the results to an interactive html file.
-h, --help Show usage.
# Scan an image
trivy scan2html image alpine:latest interactive_report.html
# Scan a local folder
trivy scan2html fs --scanners vuln,secret,misconfig . interactive_report.html
# Scan a k8s cluster
trivy scan2html k8s cluster interactive_report.html
# Scan a k8s cluster all
trivy scan2html k8s --report=all all interactive_report.html
# Scan a k8s cluster summary
trivy scan2html k8s --report summary cluster interactive_report.html
# Scan and generate SBOM(spdx) report
trivy scan2html image --format spdx alpine:3.15 interactive_report.html