To try it out, please use the staging version and the staging api. Aptus might know their shit and since it uses my credentials and I dont want to get in trouble with CSB for excessive use hehe
The main application can be visited at and the api can be found at
This will work with other CSB doors as well. Right now it's is hard coded for the A door since only losers live in B or anywhere else
- Provice the following environment variables:
LOG=<your personal number>
,PASSWORD=<your password to CSB>
- Run
CSB_URL= APTUS_URL= LOG=<your password to CSB> PASSWORD=<your password to CSB> node -e "require('alohomora/src/services/unlock.service.js').unlockDoor()"
The frontend application uses React and can be found in frontend/.
Everything is hosted on a GCE server with traefik as edge router and Circle Ci to do all the sweet CI/CD.
Pr's welcome