A feature rich template for creating OPENRNDR programs based on Gradle/Kts
The template consists of a configuration for Gradle and an example OPENRNDR program. The Gradle configuration should serve as the go-to starting point for writing OPENRNDR-based software.
If you are looking at this from IntelliJ IDEA you can start by expanding the project tab on the left. You will find a template program in src/main/kotlin/TemplateProgram.kt
You will find some basic instructions in the OPENRNDR guide
runs the TemplateProgramjar
creates an executable platform specific jar file with all dependenciesjpackageZip
creates a zip with a stand-alone executable for the current platform (works with Java 14 only)
To create runnable jars for a platform different from the platform you use to build one uses ./gradlew jar --PtargetPlatform=<platform>
. The supported platforms are windows
, macos
, linux-x64
and linux-arm64
By default the run
task runs the program called TemplateProgram.kt
If you have other programs under your src/ folder and want
to run them from the command line use
./gradlew -Papplication=MyProgram
to run MyProgram.kt
A full package name can be specified like this: -Papplication=foo.bar.MyProgram
This repository contains a number of Github Actions in ./github/workflows
The actions enable a basic build run on commit, plus publication actions that are executed when
a commit is tagged with a version number like v0.*
or v1.*