Creative Embedded Systems: Project 2
My second assignment for Creative Embedded Systems was to create a piece of interactive art using a button, a joystick, and a potentiometer.
I was inspired to create a nail polish picker to display potential color options. My picker originally allowed for displaying different options for the finishes, but the connections to my potentiometer and joystick both broke while I was trying to fix my soldering.
I rotated the colors of the polishes between red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and magenta. I soldered the headers onto the ESP32 and then connected the button, potentiometer, and joystick. I wrote the program using the Arduino IDE as well as Python and HTML.
I fashioned the enclosure out of one of the shipping containers used by the company that makes the nail polishes presented in the nail polish picker.
Link to project video: Link to project blog post: