This library is a Python wrapper around the BrainFrame REST API. It allows for easy interaction with a BrainFrame server.
from brainframe.api import BrainFrameAPI, bf_codecs
# Connect to the server
api = BrainFrameAPI("http://localhost")
# Create a new IP camera stream
stream_config = api.set_stream_configuration(
name="New Stream",
connection_options={"url": "rtsp://"},
# Get results
analysis_results = api.get_latest_zone_statuses()
# Build brainframe-api wheel
poetry build
The output will be in dist/. Check the README format if it is updated,
pip install readme-renderer
python -m readme_renderer README.rst
The BrainFrame Python API is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip. Install the version of the library that matches the version of BrainFrame that you are using.
pip3 install brainframe-api
Or local build,
pip3 install dist/{file name.whl}
pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
cd docs
make html
Read the generated docs,
firefox _build/html/index.html
Documentation for this library is available on ReadTheDocs.