Code for GEDI, ICESat GLAS and ICESat2 ATLAS data processing, for the Global Delta project.
This code defines functions for creating a workflow for querying, downloading, and subsetting GEDI and ICESat data This code was based on publicly available code and resources.
- ICESat query and download: Download script from the NSIDC webpage. Example: in 'download data' click in 'Download script'.
- GEDI query: GEDI finder web service
- GEDI subsetting: code by Cole Krehbiel
- Earth Data login setup code created by Cole Krehbiel
GEDI L2 Elevation and Height Metrics Data short name is GEDI02_A and GEDI02_B. there are 2 versions available 001 and 002
- The data_group for GEDI are any of the BEAM names ['BEAM0000', 'BEAM0001', 'BEAM0010', 'BEAM0011', 'BEAM0101', 'BEAM0110', 'BEAM1000', 'BEAM1011']
- GEDI L2A files have 765 science dataset layers per beam. The default layer list only includes 26 layers.
- GEDI L2B files have 251 science dataset layers per beam. The default layer list only includes 38 layers.
- The approximate footprint size for this GEDI data is 25 m.
GLAS/ICEsat L2 Global Land Surface Altimetry Data short name is GLAH14, the latest version for this product is version 034
- The data_group for GLAS are the HZ groups ['Data_1HZ', 'Data_40HZ']
- The approximate footprint size for this ICESat data is 65 m.
ICESat2 ATLAS L3A Land and Vegetation Height short name is ATL08, the latest version for this product is version 005.
- The data_group for ATLAS08 are any of the ground tracks names ['gt1l', 'gt1r', 'gt2l','gt2r','gt3l','gt3r']
- The approximate footprint for this ICESat2 data is 100 m
ICESat2 ATLAS L2A Global Geolocated Photon Data short name is ATL03, the latest version for this product is version 005.
- The data_group for ATLAS03 are any of the ground tracks names ['gt1l', 'gt1r', 'gt2l','gt2r','gt3l','gt3r']
- The approximate footprint size for this ICESat2 data is 0.7 m