Premium Django starter built with Database, DB Tools, API, OAuth, Celery, and React Integration with AdminLTE Design. The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
NOTE: A premium version provides more features, priority on support, and is more often updated
- 👉 Django AdminLTE PRO - Complete Documentation
- 👉 Django AdminLTE PRO - LIVE Demo
- 👉 Get Support via Email and Discord
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- AdminLTE Design
- OAuth - Github
- Extended User Profile
- API via DRF
- Charts via ApexJS
- React Integration (new)
- Dynamic DataTables
- CSV to Model Generator
- CSV Loader
- Celery (async tasks)
- Deployment-Ready for Render
Django AdminLTE PRO - Premium Django Starter provided by App Generator