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7. Contributing End User Documentation

Armando Fox edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

User-facing documentation is maintained as a set of articles ("posts") using Jekyll. These posts are maintained as part of the repo itself, under the gh-pages branch.

A deployed version of the Jekyll site is visible at [], where it is automatically updated whenever changes to this branch are pushed.

In case you're unfamiliar with Jekyll:

  • Each file in the _posts directory contains one "help article". Each file has a name such as
  • Each file is self-contained, giving the title and text of the article (using Markdown), the article's category, and display order within the category. Here is what a typical file looks like. The top (header) portion must be delimited by three dashes and must include at least the below fields as a minimum ("layout" can always be set to page for now; you can define custom layout templates later that look nicer):
layout: page
title: "Ticket Sales"
category: Reports
date: 2017-11-04 14:10:46
order: 20

# Ticket Sales

To see advance sales for one or more productions, ...

# Subscription and Other Orders Needing Fulfillment

Subscription Counts, displayed at the bottom of ...

  • The file _config.yml contains various setup options, including the names and labels for the categories.

To contribute documentation, you can either modify the files directly using a text editor and then commit and push to the gh-pages branch, or use a graphical front end like Forestry to edit and push.