Armature utility plugin for Blender, for niche cases I encounter where it would be a lot nicer to have something do the work for me!
Version 1.0.0 which supports Blender 4.2, using the extension system. See Releases on sidebar for legacy versions.
Feature List (click on the links to see how-to/examples):
- Object Mode
- Clean and Combine - Combine multiple meshes, with modifiers, into one export-ready object. Armatures are preserved.
- Merge/Operate Vertex Groups - Run a math operation on one or two vertex groups. Also available in Weight Paint mode.
- Armature Edit Mode
- Connect Bones - Quickly clean up imported rigs by reconnecting bones to their children.
- Reduce Rig - Reduces a rig to deform-only bones, while patching up the bone hierarchy.
- Auto-Parent Bones - Does exactly as it sounds: attempts to reparent selected bones based on proximity.
- Spline from Curve - Generates Spline IK with optional Bone control points from a curve.
- Add Bone Circle - Creates a circle of bones around an active bone, with rolls adjusted to face it
- Add Leaf Bones - Add leaf bones to an armature for external purposes
- Select End Bones - Select bones at the bottom of the hierarchy
- Set Bone Length - Does exactly as it sounds: sets the length of all selected bones to a set value
- Surface Bone Placer - Place bones on geometric surfaces with a single click
- Armature Pose Mode
- Flip IK Limits - Flips the minimum and maximum IK limit of a specified axis for all selected bones.
- Curl Bones - Offsets Euler rotations of all selected pose bones by the given rotation. Currently only works in Euler rotation mode.
- Animation
- Bake All Actions - Bakes all scene actions for the given armature.
If this tool has helped you, feel free to send a Kofi my way, or to the Blender Foundation!
Download the zip file from the releases area on GitHub, and then go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
and then click Install from Disk
in the top right dropdown, and select the zip file. Make sure the plugin it points to is enabled.
If you want the latest version, use $ make
(Linux-only) inside this folder to get a zip file, or simply zip up the src
folder and install that instead.
This plugin is developed using a custom environment in VS Code. I recommend using the workspace settings and recommended extensions.
When setting up, be sure to clone the Blender Python Autocomplete if you use the workspace settings (run inside this repository):
$ git clone
I also highly recommend these VS Code workspace extensions for editing this project.
The Blender Development plugin is really helpful with its built-in debugger. Press F1, and run >Blender: Build and Start
to debug. The workspace configuration should be set up for you already.
- If the debugger is running into permission issues on setup, you may have installed the addon as a ZIP beforehand. Open Blender and uninstall the addon, before closing Blender and re-attempting the debugging process.
- If the debugger is failing to install modules, you may check out this thread here
- In Blender 3.1 on Linux,
/home/usrname/.../blender-3.1.0-linux-x64/3.1/python/bin/python3.10 -m ensurepip
- In Blender 3.6 and 4.1 on Windows, I had to run
python.exe -m pip install debugpy
inC:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender X.X\X.X\python\bin
- In Blender 3.1 on Linux,