Run mongo db on local and create database named egen to start. Collection name will be created as SensorData. use api url to configure in property so that sensor will use it. To create matric: POST http://localhost:8080/egencodechallange/matric/create BODY: { "timeStamp": "1458062848734", "value": "153" } Reads all the metrics: GET http://localhost:8080/egencodechallange/matric/read reads all the metrics that were created between the given two timestamps: GET http://localhost:8080/egencodechallange/matric/readByTimeRange?startTime="TimeInMillis", endTime="TimeInMillis" reads all alerts: GET http://localhost:8080/egencodechallange/alert/read reads all alerts that are created between the given two timestamps: GET http://localhost:8080/egencodechallange/alert/readByTimeRange?startTime="TimeInMillis", endTime="TimeInMillis"