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How to create izpack installer with gradle

Asterios Raptis edited this page Sep 7, 2024 · 21 revisions


Before you create the IzPack installer file, ensure that you have followed the preconditions in the DEPLOYMENT-INFO.

  1. Set the property createIzPackInstaller to true in the project file.
  2. Execute the clean task to delete the mystic-crypt-ui/build directory.
  3. Run the withAllDependenciesJar task to create the jar with the suffix *-all.jar.
  4. Execute the jar task using Gradle. This process generates the jar files in the mystic-crypt-ui/build/libs directory and the signed jar files in the mystic-crypt-ui/build/signed directory.
  5. Run the izPackCreateInstaller task. This automatically retrieves the signed jar file and generates the installation jar file in the project's distributions directory mystic-crypt-ui/build/distributions. The signed installation jar file can now be deployed to any OS.

There is a new Gradle task, createIzPackInstallerFromSignedJar, located in the mystic-crypt-ui/gradle/packaging.gradle file, that reproduces the above behavior. If the flag createIzPackInstaller is set to true, an installer jar will automatically be created in the mystic-crypt-ui/build/distributions directory.

For more details, refer to the IzPack task in the build.gradle file or visit the Gradle IzPack Plugin page.


Since version 6, the build.gradle file is split into several sections. One of them is the izpack.gradle file, which contains the IzPack task. In the packaging.gradle file, tasks for generating the jar, signed jar, and withAllDependenciesJar are located.


If no installation jar file is generated, ensure that the createIzPackInstaller property is set to true.

If you encounter the following error:

Execution failed for task ':jar'.
> Could not get unknown property 'release.mystic-crypt.key.alias' for root project 'mystic-crypt-ui' of type org.gradle.api.Project.

This error means that the property release.mystic-crypt.key.alias for the keystore is not set. In the project, the following properties for the keystore should be defined:

# Keystore Properties Keys   #

Follow the same pattern as described in this article.

Additionally, you may encounter the error:

> jarsigner returned: 1

This can occur if the path to the keystore is not properly set in the ~/.gradle/

IzPack Migration to IzPack 5

The project has migrated to the new major version, IzPack 5.x.

Versions before 6.x used the old IzPack 4.x.