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Characterizing a Source code model with energy metrics


This repository describes our approach for generating source code model characterized with energy metrics. A model is generated using the MoDisco framework. The source code is instrumented and executed to gather metrics dynamically. Finally the metrics are analyzed, modeled using the Structured Metrics Meta-model (SMM) and are finally linked to the Java Model.

Java Model

MoDisco is used for generating the model. This model conforms to a Java meta-model specified with EMF Ecore. MoDisco works as an Eclipse Plugin, not included in this project.


The source code analyzed is instrumented using the ASM Library. The processor used is defined in the Java class EnergyProcessor. It works as follow:

protected void onMethodEnter() {  
	mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, "com/tblf/monitor/RAPLMonitor");  
	mv.visitLdcInsn(className + "$" + name);  
	mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "com/tblf/monitor/RAPLMonitor", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", false);
	value = newLocal(Type.getType(RAPLMonitor.class));  
	mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, value);  

The Bytecode specified here is added at the entry point of all the methods under analysis. The class RAPLMonitor is created, hence starting the monitoring.

protected void onMethodExit(int opcode) {  
	mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, value);  
	mv.visitLdcInsn(className + "$" + name);  
	mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "com/tblf/monitor/RAPLMonitor", "report", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", false);  

This Bytecode is added at all the exit points of the methods under analysis. This ends the monitoring of the method and report the energy it consumed, and its duration, in a messaging queue.

The monitor called here is used to get the energy consumed by the CPU using Intel's Running Average Power Limit. This class has been written according to the jRAPL library.

Executing the program under analysis will produce traces that are written in a messaging queue for analyzing later. Computing the analysis during the execution of the program would create a major overhead, deeply impacting the accuracy of the measurements.

In order to run the instrumented code, we simply run the JUnit test cases of the program.


The analysis is performed in the EnergyBehavior class. The constructor initializes the SMM model, instantiates the Measures, and indexes the methods for accelerating the analysis.

The manage(trace) method defines the behavior. For each duration and energy measurement, a DimensionalMeasurement is created in the SMM instance. For simplicity purposes, for each method, those measurements are joined in a CollectiveMeasurement element.

This CollectiveMeasurement is linked to the MethodDeclaration it corresponds to in the MoDisco Java model using the measurand relationship.

Finally, the call graph of the program execution is added in the model by adding MeasurementRelationships between the CollectiveMeasurements.

The following example is used to describe our approach.


The program

The archive contained in /src/test/resouces/ contains a Java program that will be used for our analysis.

This program consists in an interface IApp, a class App inheriting from this interface, and a JUnit4 test suite verifying App called AppTest.

Generating the Java model

Running MoDisco on this project generates the following Java Model:

This model will be characterized with energy metrics later.

Running the instrumented code

After instrumenting it, the code is executed. A trace is produced in the /src/test/resources/SimpleProject/trace directory.

A trace is produced, and looks to that:


Where AppTest$<Init> corresponds to the class and the method name. This is then used to find them in the Java model. When no number is specified, that's because the method has been entered in. When values are specified, then the method has been exited from, and energy and duration have been gathered.

For instance, running AppTest$<init> consumed 1526 microJoules and lasted 117295 nanoseconds.

Analyzing the traces

The EnergyBehavior class analyses the traces and generates the SMM model with it. With the trace specified before, the following model is generated:

The two red boxes represent the instantiations of the test class for the two test methods testApp and testApp2. The green box is the execution of the testApp test case, with the energy consumed by testApp, App$init and App.method. Finally the blue box represents the execution of the second test case testApp2, with the energy consumed by testApp2 method, App.init and App.method.

Querying the Model

The current state of the code queries the model using standard Java functions. Later updates will provide support for OCL and EOL queries.

The App#getIndividualMethodEnergy method iterates over the relationship between CollectiveMeasurement in order to get the energy consumed by a specific method, independently of the methods that has been called inside.

For instance, running it on the CollectiveMeasurement characterizing AppTest$testApp method would show that testApp consumed 11963 microJoules, but 8728 microJoules individually, once the consumptions of App$<init> and App$method are deduced.