ai started life as the "Auckmageddon Intranet", a minimal webapp for helping to manage a LAN party. Since that event died, it's been exhumed for Ping Zero. I'll have to think of a clever new name.
It has a very minimal feature set. Currently, it provides:
- The ability to post news
- A schedule of events
- The ability to embed Challonge tournaments
Shortly, it will also support listing the games attendees are currently playing (thanks to Steam!). We'll roll in new features over time, but we're trying to keep the feature set contained (but well implemented) to begin with.
ai is built in Python 2.7 and Django. Assuming you have a basic Python environment setup already (including virtualenv), you can get ready for development using:
virtualenv env --no-site-packages --distribute
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project is configured along Heroku's design guidelines. The file isn't really worth editing; instead,
check .env
to change anything for your environment. By default, everything's configured to run straight from your
Once the environment is ready, you should be able to get up and running using:
honcho run python syncdb # or foreman, forego, etc.
honcho run python migrate
honcho start
The virtualenv includes honcho for your convenience, but you can use whatever tool you like here.
We use sqlite in development, rather than postgres, to avoid database setup. However, it's probably a better idea to just use postgres.