This is WIP - Work in progess and under construction. The idea is:
This is an app that allows an organization to hold general elections. It's intended use is while holding general assemblies and elections within these. An emphasis have been put on anonymity. Names are associated with polls only, not individual answers.
- UI: TailwindCSS
- Typescript
- React & React Hooks
- React Router
- NodeJS & Express
- MongoDB
- JWT and bcrypt library for security
- Hapi/Joi for data validation
In root
$ npm install
Make a .env file in the root of the project.
Add two entries to this file:
DB_CONNECT = <your own mongodb atlas url link>
TOKEN_SECRET = somegibberishcarractersandstuff
Go to to learn how to make and connect a database.
To run the app locally, run:
$ npm start
cd into client
$ npm install
$ npm run build:css
$ npm start