Fork from outdated source
With this Can-Bootloader you are able to download your precompiled application (from your Arduino IDE, WinAVR, etc.) to your decentralized microcontroller over Can-Bus.
The Bootloader required therefore a space of 512 Words.
Correspondingly the fuses from an Atmega32 with internal 8Mhz crystal have to be set to
hfuse 0xDC
lfuse 0x94
If you have an Atmega32 with an external crystal with an "high freq" (>= 8Mhz) then you have to adopt the fuses regarding this Fuse calculator to:
hfuse 0xDC
lfuse 0x9E
If you're looking for an brief description about fuse settings, i recommend this article.
After a restart, the AVR waits 0.5s to receive a specific Can-Message from the corresponding python upload script. If the time is elapsed without this message, the Bootloader jumps to the address zero and starts therefore the normal application.
If the Bootloader receives the specific Can-Message within this 0.5s, the transfer from the precompiled user application starts. After an successful upload from your PC to the microcontroller, the new application starts immediately.
The uploading PC-Software is written in Python.
As interface from your PC to the CAN-Bus, you will need an USB-Can adapter. Because I have already bought some Arduino Nanos and besides some MCP2515 CAN-Bus Modules with addition TJA1050 Transceiver on board, i decide to build/flash me my own CAN Debugger. The regarding software from with precompiled hex file can be found in the Arduino folder under arduino-canbus-monitor. As you can see in the code, the CAN-Bus speed is set to 125kbps, the Clock speed from the MCP2515 Board is 8MHz, and the ChipSelect pin is D10.
With your completed CAN-Debugger you can start downloading your first individual application to your decentralized microcontroller.
Therefore go to the command shell and switch to the CanBootloader/bootlaoder_python folder. Now type in (or copy) subsequent command with your individual BOARD_ID, COM_PORT and FILE.
$ python -d -i BOARD_ID -p COM_PORT -f FILE.hex
The value from the BOARD_ID must be the BOOTLOADER_BOARD_ID from the previously flashed Bootloader at the corresponding microcontroller you want to flash over CAN-Bus.
To get hex for first installation make a folder with named "bin" and put the hexfile form the milliontimes-slave project inside. Then run first:
$ python
After success run:
$ python
Now you have a combinate file for each ID to upload to slave modules.
Based on a Atmega 32 with 16Mhz quarz fuses settings are:
hfuse 0xDC
lfuse 0x3F
lockBit 0x2F
Important is to set the lockBit to be able to read bootloader setting. This is necessary for reading the ID.