RainFall is the second security project at 42, it's organised like a CTF with levels.
This project focuses on exploiting binaries, mostly using buffer overflows.
Before anything, run make
, a helpful description of every command will show up.
If you are running linux and have libvirt (and
): just runmake start
;) -
Otherwise you will need to download the projects ISO:
make RainFall.iso
and then setup a VM yourself. Using this method you won't be able to use:make start
make stop
/make shutdown
make ip
make list-vm
make network
You will then be able to connect to the virtual machine through ssh.
user=level0 # level0 to level9 or bonus0 to bonus3
ip= # The ip is given by make start, make ip, and by the VM itself when it starts
ssh -p 4242 $user@$ip
The password to user `level0` is `level0`.
The password to user `level1` is in level0/flag
The password to user `level2` is in level1/flag
The password to user `bonus0` is in level9/flag