You can test our your changes locally with:
docker build -t 389wiki:latest .
docker run -p 4000:4000 389wiki:latest
This will then listen and server http://localhost:4000
If you want to setup a more permanent editing environment:
yum install python3-pygments
Install RVM. I know RVM can be a pain when you first start using it, but you will enjoy life more if you aren't dealing with conflicting gems all the time. Note: do NOT install RVM as root.
First you must configure your terminal emulator to act as a login shell. In gnome-terminal, go to "Edit -> Profile Preferences -> Title and Command". Check the box reading "Run command as login shell." In xfce4-terminal, go to "Edit -> Preferences" and check the "Run command as login shell" box. See
Start a new terminal and follow the instructions and then run
$ rvm install ruby-2.7.1
The documentation for RVM is extensive so don't be afraid to read it.
Go into your checkout directory and run
gem install bundler && bundle install
Render the site with
jekyll serve --watch
. (See Advanced Workflow section for tips on getting real time previews of your updates). -
Make changes and save. If you wish to create a news item, run
jekyll post "My Title"
. That command calls out to a plugin that will create a file with the correct name and format and open your editor as defined by VISUAL or EDITOR. You can use a different editor with the--editor
option. -
Jekyll will automatically render your changes.
Optional: Open port 4000 in your firewall so others can see your local site
$ firewall-cmd --add-port=4000/tcp --permanent
If you wish to see real time previews of your updates (i.e. if you don't want to hit the refresh button all the time), then you can use
jekyll serve --livereload
. -
Extreme ProTip: Unfortunately, Jekyll is a bit simplistic in how it regenerates sites. It regenerates everything instead of just what it needs to. The Jekyll team has recognized this deficiency and has added an experimental option
that attempts to only regenerate the pages that actually changed. In my experience, it works well, so use it!
Syntax highlighting is provided by Pygments (more specifically by Pygments.rb -- a Ruby binding to Pygments). Set the highlighting on a code block by providing a lexer name after the three backticks that indicate the beginning of a code block.
The list of lexers is available at, but in general they are named like you would expect. The most common ones we use are
- java
- ruby
- python
- console (a Bash console session)
- json
- properties (Java Properties format)
- bash (a Bash script)
- sql
- ini (for Python conf files)
- yaml
A special note about the console lexer: if the line is a command, you must begin with a "$", "#", or "%" otherwise the text will be treated as output. E.g.
$ ./subscription-manager
- In Markdown, whitespace matters! Specifically, when you're in a block (like a list element in a bulleted list) you need to make sure all sub-blocks have the same initial indentation.
* Hello World looks like ``` print "Hello World" ```
* Hello World looks like ``` print "Hello World" ```
- Be careful with internal links. Preface them with {{ site.baseurl }} if they are in another directory. See
- The URLs for all posts and pages contain a leading slash so there is no need to provide one. E.g. Linking to a post would use {{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}
If you want to see an overview of an object in Liquid, filter it through the debug filter from
E.g.{{ page | debug }}
To find code blocks missing a lexer, install pcre-tools and use the following
pcregrep -r -M -n '^$\n^```$' *
Vim associates '.md' files with Modula-2. Add the following to your .vimrc to change the association:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.md set filetype=markdown
To interact with Openshift, you will need to install the command line client
. It is available in DNF as a package named origin-clients
but as a
fairly old version. Instead I grabed it from the
which has a download link that will require you to log in to the Red Hat portal.
Once you have the file, unzip it and place the oc
file in a directory on your
path. I have a directory ~/bin
that is on my path, so that was the most
convenient place for me.
Next you will need to authenticate. Run oc login
and follow the prompts.
Due to our use of PlantUML (which requires Java), we cannot use one of the stock
build images provided by Openshift since the stock containers just provide
one language stack each. We have to build our own image which is defined in
and references other files under .s2i
. If you find yourself
needing to modify the build image, you will need to install both Docker and the
tool. Like oc
, s2i
a statically linked binary, so you'll need to download the appropriate tarball
for your architecture and then place s2i
in a directory on your path.
If you make changes to the Dockerfile, you should test them first.
- Build the image with
podman build -t 389ds/389ds-website-ruby-27 -f Dockerfile.openshift
- Run
s2i build --exclude="" . 389ds/389ds-website-ruby-27 --as-dockerfile websiteDockerfile
. That will generate a Dockerfile using custom scripts inserted into389ds-website-ruby-27
from the.s2i/bin
directory. - Rebuild using the generated Dockerfile:
podman build -t website -f websiteDockerfile
. This will run the.s2i/bin/assemble
script and build a container with the site processed through Jekyll. - Note that if you make changes to the
scripts, you need to commit those to git before runnings2i
. Otherwise, the changes will not be picked up! rm websiteDockerfile && rm -rf upload/
- Test everything by starting a container using
podman run -p 8088:8080 --rm -ti website
and browsing the site at http://localhost:8088. (Note, I surfaced the container's port 8080 as 8088 since Tomcat normally uses 8080 but you can use whatever port you like). - Hit CTRL-C to stop the container (and the
argument will remove the container immediately).
If your changes work, you'll need to propagate them to the Openshift Dedicated internal container registry. Go to the About page for Openshift Dedicated and it has the details on the internal registry but I will reproduce them here.
podman login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t)
podman tag 389ds/389ds-website-ruby-27:latest
podman push
We also push the image to so that GitHub Actions can use the image for continuous integration builds.
podman login
podman tag 389ds/389ds-website-ruby-27:latest
podman push
Openshift should be configured to watch that image repository and rebuild everything when it detects a change to the image.
Any environment variables that we need to define (such as the BUNDLE_WITHOUT
variable to exclude gems from a group in the Gemfile) are defined in
. If you ever need to change that then you will need to
rebuild the build image as described above.
Any changes to the site building process (e.g. some pre-processing step needs to
be run before jekyll build
) or run process (e.g. additional arguments given to
Puma) would be made in .s2i/bin/assemble
and .s2i/bin/run
Again, you would need to rebuild the build image and push it to Docker Hub.
The GitHub Actions CI workflow we use is based on a default Jekyll building
workflow defined
Ours is slightly different due to our use of s2i. Our s2i's assemble
expects the site source to be in /tmp/src
so we bind mount the git checkout
into that directory. The build is performed with the 389ds/website-ruby-27
container that we maintain and we do a shell trick with chmod to get the
permissions on the bind mount correct. After that, we just invoke the
script ourselves.
- We use RVM to manage Ruby versions and gemsets. See
- Jekyll is the engine used to create the site. There is very good documentation at
- We are using Kramdown as our Markdown renderer. There is a quick reference at and a more complete syntax guide at
- The CSS is written using Sass
- The JS and theming are courtesy of Bootstrap although I did strip out some of the JS that we probably would not use like the carousel and modal dialog functions.