Play it here: This is the classic game Minesweeper built with vanilla web technologies (i.e., no framework dependency).
Technology Stack:
- HTML, JS, and CSS
- Webpack for bundling
- Firebase for leader board store
- Netlify for hosting
One day, while working in my home office, I heard loud and fast mouse clicks coming from our bedroom. It's my wife, playing her favorite game (Minesweeper) on a crappy website full of advertisements.
I can't allow this, it's a security issue. 🤣
But it is also an opportunity.
I wanted to give her the same game, with a similar leader board she can dominate. And this is also a chance for me to dig deeper into vanilla JS.
Can I make a page with complex interactions (more on this later) without any library dependency?
- JS is awesome ✨
- We don't always necessarily need JS frameworks (or TS) ✨
- Even subtle UI changes can improve user gameplay experience ✨
- There's more ways to break you're app than you are initially aware of ✨
- Competition motivates users to use your app more ✨
- Hash in bundled filenames help issues in browser caching (when shipping versions fast) ✨
To start development, you need node v16 (the dev server doesn't work on v18 yet). Once you know you have this, you can do the following:
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Start the dev server:
npm run dev
After running the commands to start development, open in a browser: http://localhost:4200
- There's no hot reloading. You have to reload the app after making a change. OR contribute to enable HMR? ;)
- This is a very messy code; a product of quick hacking and shipping while live users are giving feedback. Let's clean it up!
👉 The live site is here: Minesweeper