- Proper Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts)
- Homepage with courses being fetched categorically
- Recommended Courses based on user's preferences
- Rating of Courses
- Bookmarked Courses where users can remove or add bookmark
- Download resourses (pdf - notes)
- Responsive React Video player for videos
- Progress bar
- CoursePage with all the content of the course
- Proper Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts)
- Fully validated teacher uploading form with descriptition,title,Image and other details
- CkEditor for writing in textbox with abilities to add diffrent headings,paragraphs,bold,italics,link,tables,sizes etc
- Teacher can upload upto 5 videos with upload bar to show progress
- Teacher can see their uploaded courses
- Teacher can delete their course
- Teacher can edit their course