This repository contains Joomla application that can run on Azure app service with both ClearDB and MySQL inapp. If you wish to use MySQL inapp , it is recommended to use Environment variables.
To use Environment variables with Joomla application to pass in the database information , add the following constructor in configuration.php inside JConfig class. To use this with MySQL in app feature, use the $_SERVER['MYSQLCONNSTR_localdb]' variable to get the database connection string.
Add this code to configuration.php file if using MySQL in-app
public function __construct(){
$connectstr_dbhost = '';
$connectstr_dbname = '';
$connectstr_dbusername = '';
$connectstr_dbpassword = '';
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, "MYSQLCONNSTR_") !== 0) {
$connectstr_dbhost = preg_replace("/^.*Data Source=(.+?);.*$/", "\\1", $value);
$connectstr_dbname = preg_replace("/^.*Database=(.+?);.*$/", "\\1", $value);
$connectstr_dbusername = preg_replace("/^.*User Id=(.+?);.*$/", "\\1", $value);
$connectstr_dbpassword = preg_replace("/^.*Password=(.+?)$/", "\\1", $value);
$this->user = $connectstr_dbusername;
$this->password= $connectstr_dbpassword;
$this->db= $connectstr_dbname;