A custom portfolio theme for Hugo
enableEmoji = true
#social media handles
twitter = "" # omit the @
github = ""
email = "addressATdomainDOTcom" #obsucured by js in social.html
linkedin = ""
facebook = ""
instagram = ""
youtube = ""
#sets url for assets folder to assertsDir + /images
postingfolder = "images"
# Dot colors #only works for the home page at this point
dotColor = "#ec008c" # magenta
# "#00aeef" # cyan
# "#fff200" # yellow
# Control the navigation
SectionPagesMenu = "main"
identifier = "home"
name = "Welcome"
title = "Welcome"
url = "/"
weight = 10
# Add item to secondary menu
# [[menu.secondary]]
# identifier = "myotherwebsite"
# name = "myotherwebsite.com"
# title = "Myotherwebsite.com"
# url = "https://myotherwebsite.com"
# weight = 100
# https://jdhao.github.io/2019/12/29/hugo_html_not_shown/
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe = true
Choose one when building a new page
- Dot colours are controlled by frontmatter variables
dotColor: "#ec008c"
Choose one when building a new page
- categories: ["coding","graphicdesign","publishing","art","digitalmedia"]
parent: art
weight: 100
{{< youtube id="RabX4yNyd6s" width="600" class="youtube" >}}
- takes one named parameter: width="000"
- defaults to 400 x 225
{{< video src="Extro-V2.mp4" poster="BK-ID-Poster-V2-400x225.png" width="200">}}
- links to page Bundle video
- takes 3 named parameters:src=, poster= (default image file) and width=
- width defaults to 400
{{< link "See more here" "posts/some-title" >}}
- creates permalink shortcode relative to baseurl.
- modified from https://github.com/jorinvo/hugo-shortcodes/blob/master/shortcodes/link.html
- takes 2 unnamed parameters
- First parameter is the link text "See more here"
- Second parameter is the relative URL "posts/some-title"
{{< singleimage "*cats*" "This is a caption" Fill "200x200" >}}
This is a single image shortcode to display images from the Page Bundle.
- 5 unnamed parameters
- name is "*filename*" without file ending
- caption
- Resize, Fill, or Fit
- Image size Resize uses "000" and Fill or Fit uses"000x000"
- optional external href "http://astart.ca"
- resizes linked original to "1200x800"
{{< singleimagestatic "feather.jpg" "Fit 300x300" Fit "300x300" >}}
This is a single image shortcode to display images from the root /assets/images
- 4 unnnamed parameters
- name is "filename.jpg" must have file ending!
- caption
- Resize, Fill, or Fit
- Image size Resize uses "000" and Fill or Fit uses"000x000"
- resizes linked original to "1200x800"
{{< figurerev src="/feather.jpg" link="http://apple.com" Target="_blank" title="Image Title" caption="Bob, Bob, Bob!" alt="This is the alt text." height="200" width="325" class="gallery" >}}
- based on Hugo's original
short code https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates/shortcodes/figure.html - displays images from root
folder with lots of parameters available - UNFINISHED
[image alt text](/images/BK-ID-headerlogo.png)
A single image from the /static/
- renders exactly as is
- meant for global images
{{< foldergallery "200" >}}
An automatic gallery of photographs from the Page Bundle.
- no way to display captions
- takes size as unnamed parameter: "400"
- resizes linked original to "1200x800"
{{< foldergalleryfilter "200" >}}
Same as above but adds filters
- filters must be set in shortcode at this point
- Grayscale, Sepia, Gaussian Blur
DEPRECATED: Superceded by Using singleimage
This is a gallery of images stored in the Page Bundle, but called by means of a list, which allows it to have custom sizes and captions.
For now it needs to have a <div> surrounding it to clear the float.
4 unnnamed parameters
- name is "filename.jpg" must have file ending!
- caption
- Height Fit size
- optional external link "http://astart.ca"
resizes linked original to "1200x800"
Shortcodes to list json data files
uses two columns{{booklist "magazines"}}
uses one parameter to name database in file{{< ebooklist >}}
- in config.toml file
plainIDAnchors = true
hrefTargetBlank = true
The Markdown renderer has changed in the latest Hugo v0.62.0 from Blackfriday to Goldmark which should allow Hugo markdown to be more compatible with other markdown flavours, such as that of GitHub.
In order to open links in new tab with the Goldmark markdown renderer, create a file at layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html
with the following content:
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if strings.HasPrefix .Destination "http" }} target="_blank"{{ end }}>{{ .Text }}</a>
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe = true
defaultMarkdownHandler = "blackfriday"
enableEmoji = true
to config.toml
Must be above Optional Parameters section
- 😄
- :frowning_face_:
- ❤️
Use {{ emojify :smile: :heart: :frowning_face_: }}
in templates
Image links for the above shortcodes use Fancybox3 as a lightbox http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/
- Use in layouts folder (templates)
- place datafile in /data/
- json, YAML, toml
{{range .Site.Data.filename}}
{{.Name}} — ${{.Price}}