Menu module for Fork-cms
Please use Navigation Block module instead.
- Version: 0.0.9
- ForkCMS version: 3.5.0+
- Name: Quickmenu
- Author: Lysander
- Website:
- You can install the module through the backend by uploading the downloaded zipball (first unpak and remove the files (*.md, .gitignore) and repack the backend and frontend folders).
- You can unpack the zipball and upload the quickmenu folders in the /backend/modules and /frontend/modules files manually. After that you need to click install in the backend settings/modules page.
The Quickmenu is for you if you need to display an alternate menu on your website. ForkCMS already has a main and footer navigation menu. But sometimes you need an extra navigation list.
You can create your own menus by using categories.
Organise (order) the menu items in the backend by drag 'n drop.
Also works in multi language mode.
You can add a menu by adding a widget on a page or hardcoded in the tempate by adding this line (where 1 stands for the category id):