This sample shows how to use Castle.DynamicProxy interceptors to implement AOP concepts in the Castle.Windsor(v3.1.0.0) container.
The sample contains a facility for fluent interceptor registration and some simple method tracing and profiling interceptors to showcase class and method filtering through custom attributes.
##Usage Implement custom interceptor, e.g.
public class TracingInterceptor: IInterceptor {
Add the InterceptorFacility to the container and define the pointcuts to which to apply the interceptors
var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.AddFacility<InterceptorFacility>(f => f.Register
Interceptor.ForType(x => x.Any()).AndMethod(x => x.WithAttribute<TransactionAttribute>()).Use<TransactionInterceptor>(),
Interceptor.ForType(x => x.Where(type => type.Name.EndsWith("Service"))).AndMethod(x => x.Any()).Use<ProfilingInterceptor>(),
Interceptor.ForType(x => x.Where(TracedAttribute.TypeSelector)).AndMethod(x => x.Any()).UseRegistered<TracingInterceptor>("customTracing")
var interceptor = new TracingInterceptor
EnterMessage = "Entered: ${indent} ${returnType} ${classNameFull}.${methodName}(${arguments})",
ExitMessage = "Exited: ${indent} ${returnType} ${classNameFull}.${methodName} [${returnValue}]"
####Note For Castle.DynamicProxy interceptors to work, the proxied methods must either be invoked through an interface or marked as virtual.