V2.2.0 version description:
FormBuilder is an open source project which integrated with the FormJS framework and the slickflow engine.
1. Mutiple Database operation dapper supported(MSSQL is default)
FormBuilder supports SQLSERVER, ORACLE, MySQL and another database, it implemented by the Dapper.NET extension library.
2. Slickflow workflow engine integrated
The Enterprise Edtion has implemented the slickflow engine integration
3. Form create/view/approval supported
Quick Start Tutorial for Form Builder Designer Project:
1). In the command console, using the command below to download the node package.
npm install
please notice to run the command, the directory location is in the ClientApp path of the designer project.
2). Set up the fbapi(FormBuilder.WebApi) project which is an asp.net webapi type project.(IIS is a choice)
3). Setting webapi variable in the kcofnig.js file
kconfig.webApiUrl = "http://localhost/fbapi/" //your fb webapi backend service url
4). In the command console, using the command below to run the the project
npm run dev
5). Access the web project in the browser by
Quick Test Tutorial for Beginners:
1). In the form builder designer page, the user can drag input elements to the right panel, and save it to a new form template.
2). After a new form templated created, this form can be binded to a process, and make a simulation process running test.
EMail: [email protected]
QQ Group: 233248778
QQ(Author): 47743901
WeChat: besley2008
On Line DEMO: