A ChatGPT driven fillable story generator in flask.
$ python -m venv env
$ env\Scripts\active
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export OPENAI_KEY="<your api key>"
$ python -m flask --app run.py run
There are many things that could be done to make this better. A few of the current issues/ideas are:
- It takes awhile for the calls to openai to come back. Like a minute or more for a long story.
- There's like 0 validation of the incoming arguments. I did put a little token length validation, but it's hacky.
- The front end is buggy end doesn't work, but I'm currently working on it with chatgpt.
- Use the free model
- When multi modal is out, accept a picture as input and create a mad lib
- The longest prompt for the user story is roughly 600 tokens. So there's room for more prompt engineering.
- Plus things I don't even know about...
Read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.