Practice makes makes the master - Patrick
I hadn't find any good repository with 100 exercices for the GO Programming language, and as It's a language that has caught my attention, I will create it myself 😄 feel free to contribute and use it!
I assume you have go installed and have taken a quick grap about how GO works :)
My main idea is that the exercices are structured like this:
- From 1 to 15 : Basic exercices
- From 16 to 19 : File management
- From 20 to 31 : Intermediate exercices
- From 32 to 44 : Concurrency
- From 45 to 48 : Time
- From 49 to 53 : JSON
- From 54 to 61 : Context
- From 62 to 68 : Interfaces
- From 69 to 82 : HTTP & APIs
- From 83 to 89 : Testing & misc
- From 90 to 100 : Database (non-relational(mongo)) + CRUD API with Fiber
And inside of each exercice, it's explanation :) and solution inside the solution
├── n-th_exercise #<- exercise number
│ ├── main.go
│ ├── [.env]
│ └── solution #<- solution folder
│ └── solution.go
├── go.mod
└── go.sum
Please notice there are some exercises that are intended to have an execution failure, the important thing here is learning! Feel free to contribute, comment, have fun or just provide feedback!
Thanks a lot