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Rime edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 7 revisions
Using Texture Filtering feature in 3Dmigoto v1.1.34 and later.

Please note this likely to change, and reflects state as of 7-20-15.

Latest Release

At the moment there are two ways to find the texture hashes:

  1. Use ShaderUsage.txt to find textures that have been used with Register id=0 in the pixel shader (remember this file is only updated when dumping out a shader):
<VertexShader hash="58eb4d71f0a77dc3">
<CalledPixelShaders>7ff9e9526ba34616 </CalledPixelShaders>

<PixelShader hash="7ff9e9526ba34616">
<ParentVertexShaders>58eb4d71f0a77dc3 </ParentVertexShaders>
<Register id=0 handle=1C8C4790>713b30ee2f686ce5</Register>
<Register id=0 handle=1CA64D10>09a07adfa246f434</Register>
<Register id=0 handle=1CA64E50>0cec4ef0bd9d4d0a</Register>
<Register id=1 handle=1C8B2C50>4b95ceca040a2593</Register>
<Register id=1 handle=1C8B3690>e65ac41a42ad94af</Register>
<Register id=1 handle=1C92FA10>c4bdb2760060fa02</Register>
<Register id=1 handle=1CA64FD0>c4bdb2760060fa02</Register>
<Register id=2 handle=1C7C1E10>e19d2d8058ec32b4</Register>
<Register id=2 handle=1C92FB90>c4bdb2760060fa02</Register>
<Register id=2 handle=1CA65150>c4bdb2760060fa02</Register>
<Register id=4 handle=1C674550>2bc785aaa191d311</Register>
<Register id=5 handle=1C8C4610>b338c87979e9b177</Register>
<Register id=120 handle=0897ADD0>0000000000000000</Register>
<Register id=125 handle=1A8B27D0>24a83fdae0465bcc</Register>
<RenderTarget id=0 handle=1C673B10>713b30ee2f686ce5</RenderTarget>
<RenderTarget id=0 handle=1C673C90>713b30ee2f686ce5</RenderTarget>
<RenderTarget id=0 handle=1C89CA90>713b30ee2f686ce5</RenderTarget>
<DepthTarget handle=1A9E73D0>71ce2f5e04f8ac95</DepthTarget>

The other ids there correspond to other texture slot numbers, so if you needed to filter based on the texture in slot 1 you would use x2=ps-t1

  1. Using frame analysis:
analyse_frame = VK_F8
analyse_options = filename_reg

analyse_options = filename_reg dump_tex

Reload the config, enable hunting then press F8 and you should end up with a bunch of files like this with the hashes in the filename:

If you have any tools that can work with whatever format dds files they are in you can even open them to check which texture they are. I've been adding more formats to as I come across them to convert them to .png files.

DHR found that at present:

Also is important to mention that with 3Dmigoto is necessary to use the PS in the hash part, for the example:

Hash=7ff9e9526ba34616  ;<---- Use the PS, not VS

I just use this to push only the Crosshair and Target icon in Crysis 3, the rest of the HUD is untouch.