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Kiiyya committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent e3a44f9 commit 2a74a8f
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Showing 12 changed files with 262 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/Boogie.lean
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ abbrev Boogie.bind : (Boogie A) -> (A -> Boogie B) -> Boogie B := Bind.bind
def (m : Boogie Unit) (fuel : Nat) : Option BoogieState :=
let s₀ : BoogieState := (fun _ => 0)
let stuff := m s₀
let ⟨_, ret⟩ := stuff Empty.elim fuel
let ⟨_, ret⟩ := runLog stuff Empty.elim fuel Prod.snd

theorem Boogie.ite_push_state [Decidable c] {t e : Boogie A}
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70 changes: 57 additions & 13 deletions LeanBoogie/Experimental/State.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,18 +37,62 @@ def ConA : Con -> Type
instance : CoeSort Ty Type := ⟨TyA⟩
instance : CoeSort Con Type := ⟨ConA⟩

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
def ConA.get : {Γ : Con} -> Γ -> Var Γ A -> A
| _ :: _, (x, _), .vz => x
| _ :: _, (_, γ), .vs v => γ.get v

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
def ConA.update : {Γ : Con} -> Γ -> Var Γ A -> A -> Γ
| _ :: _, (_, γ), .vz , a' => (a', γ)
| _ :: _, (a, γ), .vs v, a' => (a, γ.update v a')

/- ### Normal form of `ConA`
Given a starting `γ : ConA Γ` and `γ' = γ.update |>.update .. |>.update ... |> ...`,
we can normalize these into essentially `γ' = { #0 := ...γ..., #1 := ...γ..., #2 := ...γ..., ...}`
We should have a tactic which performs this normalization in a performant way.
@[simp] theorem ConA.update_lww {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} : (γ.update v a').update v a'' = γ.update v a'' := sorry
@[simp] theorem ConA.update_get {Γ : Con} {v : Var Γ A} {γ : Γ} : (γ.update v a').get v = a' := by
induction Γ with
| nil => cases v
| cons B Γ ih =>
cases v with
| vz => rfl
| vs v => simp only [get, ih]
-- more theorems

-- ## Interaction Tree Events for State

namespace Approach1
inductive Mem (Γ : Con) : /- Type -> -/ Type where
| rd : Var Γ A -> Mem Γ /- (TyA A) -/
| wr : Var Γ A -> TyA A -> Mem Γ /- Unit -/
-- def (v : Var Γ A) : ITree (Mem Γ) A := .vis (.rd v) (fun a:A => .ret a)
-- def Mem.write (v : Var Γ A) (val : A) : ITree (Mem Γ) A := .vis (.wr v val) (fun () => .ret ())
end Approach1

namespace Approach2
inductive Mem (Γ : Type) : /- (A:Type) -> -/ Type where
| rd (π : Γ -> Ans) : Mem Γ /- A -/
| wr (δ : Γ -> Ans -> Γ) : Mem Γ /- Unit -/
end Approach2
inductive Mem (Γ : Con) : Type -> Type where
| rd : Var Γ A -> Mem Γ A
| wr : Var Γ A -> TyA A -> Mem Γ Unit

def (v : Var Γ A) : ITree (Mem Γ) A := .vis (.rd v ) (fun (a : A) => .ret a)
def Mem.write (v : Var Γ A) (val : A) : ITree (Mem Γ) Unit := .vis (.wr v val) (fun () => .ret ())

-- ## Example:

structure Global_ where
i : Int
n : BitVec 32

def Global.Γ : Con := [.int, .bv 32]
abbrev Global : Type := Global.Γ
abbrev Global.i (γ : Global) : Int := γ.get .vz
abbrev Global.n (γ : Global) : BitVec 32 := γ.get (.vs .vz)

#check Global_.i
#check Global.i

def Empty' : Type -> Type := fun _ => Empty

inductive Plus (E₁ E₂ : Type -> Type) : Type -> Type
| left : E₁ X -> Plus E₁ E₂ X
| right : E₂ X -> Plus E₁ E₂ X

instance : HAdd (Type -> Type) (Type -> Type) (Type -> Type) := ⟨Plus⟩

def merge : ITree (Mem Γ + Mem Δ) A -> ITree (Mem (Γ ++ Δ)) A := sorry

def interp : ITree (Mem Γ) Unit -> StateT (ConA Γ) (ITree Empty') Unit := sorry
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/ITree/Eutt.lean
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Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ instance ITree.setoid : Setoid (ITree E A) where
r := Eutt
iseqv := ⟨Eutt.refl, Eutt.symm, Eutt.trans⟩

instance Internal.ITree.setoid : Setoid (Internal.ITree Ans E A) := _root_.ITree.setoid -- typeclass resolution isn't able to figure this out on its own...
instance Internal.ITree.setoid : Setoid (ITree E A) := _root_.ITree.setoid -- typeclass resolution isn't able to figure this out on its own...

theorem Eutt.ret : @ITree.ret E A r ≈ .ret r := Eutt.refl _

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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Events.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree

namespace ITree

# Events

instance (priority := low) : OfNat (Type -> Type) n where ofNat := fun _ => Fin n
instance : OfNat (Type -> Type) 0 where ofNat := fun _ => PEmpty
instance : OfNat (Type -> Type) 1 where ofNat := fun _ => PUnit

/-- The union of two event types. -/
inductive EvProd (E₁ E₂ : Type -> Type) : Type -> Type
| left : E₁ X -> EvProd E₁ E₂ X
| right : E₂ X -> EvProd E₁ E₂ X

instance : HAdd (Type -> Type) (Type -> Type) (Type -> Type) := ⟨EvProd⟩
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Examples.lean
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@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
import Qpf
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Eutt
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Events

open MvQPF
open ITree

instance : Repr Empty where reprPrec _ _ := ""

inductive Ev : Type
| input : Ev
| output : Int -> Ev -- We would really like this to be `-> Ev Unit`, but can't due to the `(A : Type) -> ...` QPF issue.
deriving Repr

/-- Spin forever. -/
def spin : ITree Empty Empty := ITree.corec (fun n => .tau n) 0

/-- Just echo once. -/
def echo1 : ITree Ev Unit :=
.vis .input fun (answer : Int) =>
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38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/ITree/ITree.lean
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import Qpf
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Sigma

namespace ITree

# Interaction Trees
Expand All @@ -13,7 +15,6 @@ semantics of side-effecting, possibly non-terminating, programs
Thank you to Alex Keizer ( for the help in figuring this out!

namespace ITree

## Step 1: Defining Shape
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,6 +202,10 @@ abbrev vis {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {Ans : Type} (e : E Ans) (k : Ans -> IT
def corec {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {β : Type 1} (f : β → Base E A β) (b : β) : ITree E A
:= MvQPF.Cofix.corec (n := 1) (F := Base.Uncurried E) f b

def dest {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} : ITree E A -> Base E A (ITree E A)
:= MvQPF.Cofix.dest

@[cases_eliminator, elab_as_elim]
def cases {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {motive : ITree E A -> Sort u}
(ret : (r : A) → motive (ret r))
(tau : (x : ITree E A) → motive (tau x))
Expand All @@ -222,3 +227,34 @@ def cases {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {motive : ITree E A -> Sort u}
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ vis e (fun ans => k (.up ans))

-- Computation rules
theorem cases_ret : cases (motive := motive) c_ret c_tau c_vis (.ret r) = c_ret r := rfl
theorem cases_tau : cases (motive := motive) c_ret c_tau c_vis (.tau t) = c_tau t := sorry
theorem cases_vis : cases (motive := motive) c_ret c_tau c_vis (.vis e k) = c_vis e k := sorry

# Some common stuff

def spin : ITree E A := corec (fun .unit => .tau .unit) PUnit.unit

/-- Just a convenience function. Re-plays a tree within another tree. -/
def Base.replay (ta : ITree E A₁) (fTree : ITree E A₁ -> C) (fRet : A₁ -> A₂ := by exact id) : ITree.Base E A₂ C := sorry
-- match ta.dest with
-- | .ret (.up a : _) => .ret (.up (fRet a))
-- | .tau (t : ITree E A₁) => .tau (fTree t)
-- | .vis ⟨_, e, k⟩ => .vis e (fun x => fTree (k x))

def _root_.TypeVec.ofList : (l : List Type) -> TypeVec l.length
| [] => Vec.nil
| t :: l => TypeVec.ofList l |>.append1 t

def Base.Map (f : C -> D) : TypeVec.Arrow (TypeVec.ofList [C, B, E]) (TypeVec.ofList [D, B, E])
:= TypeVec.appendFun f

-- TODO:
-- def Base.Inr : TypeVec.Arrow (TypeVec.ofList [ITree E B, B, E]) (TypeVec.ofList [ITree E A ⊕ ITree E B, B, E])
-- := TypeVec.appendFun Sum.inr
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion LeanBoogie/ITree/Imp.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Monad
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Iter
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Eutt
import LeanBoogie.Notation
import LeanBoogie.Iter
Expand All @@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ namespace ITree
def skip : ITree E Unit := Pure.pure ()
def seq (a b : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := Bind.bind a (fun () => b)
instance : Seqi (ITree E Unit) := ⟨ITree.seq⟩
def trigger (e : E) : ITree E Int := .vis e .ret
-- def trigger (e : E Ans) : ITree E Int := .vis e .ret
def ite (c : ITree E Bool) (t e : ITree E A) : ITree E A := Bind.bind c (fun c => if c then t else e)
abbrev ifthen (c : ITree E Bool) (t : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := ite c t skip

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60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Iter.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Monad

namespace ITree

## ITrees form an *iterative* monad

/-- Repeat a computation until it returns `B`.
From the ITrees paper, page 12:
CoFixpoint iter (body : A → itree E (A + B)) : A → itree E B :=
fun a ⇒ ab <- body a ;;
match ab with
| inl a ⇒ Tau (iter body a)
| inr b ⇒ Ret b
``` -/
def iter (body : A -> ITree E (A ⊕ B)) (a₀ : A) : ITree E B := sorry -- TODO
-- ITree.corec (fun (x : A ⊕ ITree E (B)) =>
-- match x with
-- | .inl a =>
-- -- Run the body, if it returned `a` we iter again, if it returned `b` we are done.
-- let res : ITree E (A ⊕ B) := bind (body a) (fun ab =>
-- match ab with
-- | .inl a => .ret (.inl a)
-- | .inr b => .ret (.inr b)
-- )
-- match res.dest with
-- -- | .ret (a : A ⊕ B) => .ret sorry
-- | .ret (.inl a) => .tau (.inl a) -- call `iter body a`
-- | .ret (.inr b) => .ret b -- we are done
-- | .tau (t : ITree E _) => .tau (.inr t)
-- | .vis e k => sorry
-- | .inr b => Base.replay b .inr
-- ) (Sum.inl a₀)

theorem iter_fp {f : A -> ITree E (A ⊕ B)}
: iter f a₀ = do let ab <- f a₀
match ab with
| .inl a => (iter f a)
| .inr b => return b
:= by sorry

Definition loop (body : C + A → itree E (C + B)) : A → itree E B :=
fun a ⇒ iter (fun ca ⇒
cb <- body ca ;;
match cb with
| inl c ⇒ Ret (inl (inl c))
| inr b ⇒ Ret (inr b)
end) (inr a).
def loop (body : Sum C A -> ITree E (Sum C B)) (a : A) : ITree E B := sorry

def iter_lift (body : A -> ITree E (A ⊕ B)) : (A ⊕ B) -> ITree E (A ⊕ B) :=
fun | .inl a => body a | .inr b => return .inr b
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Monad.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree

namespace ITree

# ITrees form a monad

def pure (a : A) : ITree E A := .ret a

def bind (ta : ITree E A) (tb : A -> ITree E B) : ITree E B := sorry -- TODO: fix
-- ITree.corec (β := Sum (ITree E A) (ITree E B)) (fun x =>
-- match x with
-- | .inl ta =>
-- match ta.dest with
-- | .ret (.up a : ULift A) =>
-- let tb : ITree E B := tb a
-- let ret : ITree.Base E B (ITree E B) := tb.dest
-- let ret : ITree.Base E B (ITree E A ⊕ ITree E B) := (F := TypeFun.ofCurried (n := _) Base) Base.Inr ret
-- ret
-- | .tau t => .tau (.inl t)
-- | .vis e k => .vis e (fun x => .inl (k x))
-- | .inr b => Base.replay b Sum.inr
-- ) (Sum.inl ta)

instance : Monad (ITree E) where
pure := pure
bind := bind

instance : LawfulFunctor (ITree E) where
map_const := sorry
id_map := sorry
comp_map := sorry

instance : LawfulMonad (ITree E) where
seqLeft_eq := sorry
seqRight_eq := sorry
pure_seq := sorry
bind_pure_comp := sorry
bind_map := sorry
pure_bind := sorry
bind_assoc := sorry
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/QITree.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Quot
# Quotient of ITree along Eutt

def QITree (E A : Type) : Type := Quotient (α := ITree E A) ITree.setoid
def QITree (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type) : Type 1 := Quotient (α := ITree E A) ITree.setoid
def QITree.ret (a : A) : QITree E A := ITree.setoid (ITree.ret a)
def QITree.tau (t : QITree E A) : QITree E A := Quotient.liftOn t (⟦ITree.tau ·⟧) (by
intro t t' h
Expand All @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ def QITree.tau (t : QITree E A) : QITree E A := Quotient.liftOn t (⟦ITree.tau
exact Quotient.sound this

opaque QITree.vis_impl (e : E) (k : Ans -> QITree E A) : QITree E A := sorry
opaque QITree.vis_impl (e : E Ans) (k : Ans -> QITree E A) : QITree E A := sorry

@[implemented_by QITree.vis_impl]
def QITree.vis (e : E) (k : Ans -> QITree E A) : QITree E A :=
def QITree.vis (e : E Ans) (k : Ans -> QITree E A) : QITree E A :=
Quotient.liftOn (Quotient.choice k) (⟦ITree.vis e ·⟧) (fun _ _ => Quotient.eq.mpr ∘ Eutt.vis)

#check Quot.lift
Expand All @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ example (t : QITree E A) : QITree.tau t = t := by

set_option pp.proofs true in
def QITree.cases {E A : Type} {motive : QITree E A → Sort u}
def QITree.cases {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {motive : QITree E A → Sort u}
(c_ret : (r : A) → motive (.ret r))
(c_tau : (x : QITree E A) → motive (.tau x))
(c_vis : (e : E) → (k : Ans → QITree E A) → motive (.vis e k))
(c_vis : {Ans : Type} -> (e : E Ans) → (k : Ans → QITree E A) → motive (.vis e k))
(x : QITree E A)
: motive x
:= Quotient.recOn x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ def QITree.cases {E A : Type} {motive : QITree E A → Sort u}

set_option pp.proofs true in
def QITree.cases_2 {E A : Type} {motive : QITree E A → Sort u}
def QITree.cases_2 {A : Type} {motive : QITree E A → Sort u}
(c_ret : (r : A) → motive (.ret r))
-- (tau : (x : QITree E A) → motive (.tau x)) -- // Note: Even with quotients we can't get rid of this case. Imagine `QITree.cases (motive := False when .tau) c_ret c_vis spin : False`. Or... maybe this is okay, because we can not write that motive type in the first place, since we can't distinguish between `.ret : QITree` and `.tau _ : QITree`.
(c_vis : (e : E) → (k : Ans → QITree E A) → motive (.vis e k))
(c_vis : (e : E Ans) → (k : Ans → QITree E A) → motive (.vis e k))
(x : QITree E A)
: motive x
:= Quotient.liftOn₂ (Quotient.choice)
:= sorry -- ? Quotient.liftOn₂ (Quotient.choice)

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