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implemented ITree.bind
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Kiiyya committed Nov 1, 2024
1 parent ce17686 commit c8fb7b5
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Showing 5 changed files with 168 additions and 81 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions LeanBoogie/Boog.lean
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Std (HashSet HashMap)

/-- Assigns values to every variable. Ideally you'd want `(v : String) -> v ∈ ValidVars -> Int`. -/
abbrev BoogieState := String -> Int
instance : EmptyCollection BoogieState := ⟨fun _ => 0

/-- State monad during execution of boogie programs. Assigns values to every variable. -/
abbrev Boog : Type -> Type := StateM BoogieState
Expand All @@ -25,8 +26,6 @@ def Boog.set (v : String) (e : Boog Int) : Boog Unit := do
modifyThe BoogieState
(fun f x => if x = v then val else f x)

#check ite

/-- This is a little ugly, because lean `if` actually takes a (decidable) `Prop`, not a `Bool` -/
def Boog.ifthenelse (c : Boog Bool) (t e : Boog Unit) : Boog Unit := do
if <- c then t else e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ theorem bind_eq2 (a: Boog A) (b: A -> Boog B) : (a >>= b : Boog B) = fun s => le
theorem ite_bind:
∀ [Monad m]
[LawfulMonad m]
{c : Bool}
{m1 m2 : m a}
{k : a -> m b},
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Examples.lean
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,20 @@ def find (f : Nat -> Int) (K : Int) (a : Nat) : ITree Empty Nat :=
theorem find_eq1 {f : Nat -> Int} {K : Int} {a : Nat} (h : f a = K) : find f K a = .ret a := sorry
theorem find_eq2 {f : Nat -> Int} {K : Int} {a : Nat} (h : f a ≠ K) : find f K a = .tau (find f K (a + 1)) := by sorry

/-- Proof by induction on k, i.e. where the searched-for value is. -/
theorem find_correct_aux (f : Nat -> Int) (K : Int) (k a : Nat) (h_a : a <= k) (solvable : f k = K) : Eutt (find f K a) (.ret k) := by
induction k generalizing a with
| zero =>
have : a = 0 := by omega
cases this
rw [find_eq1 solvable]
exact Eutt.refl _
| succ k ih => -- k is still ahead of the current position (a)

theorem find_correct (f : Nat -> Int) (K : Int) (k : Nat) (solvable : f k = K) : Eutt (find f K 0) (.ret k) :=
find_correct_aux f K k 0 (by omega) solvable

/-- Like `find`, but on `Int` instead of `Nat`, and searches in both directions. -/
def find2 (f : Int -> Int) (K : Int) (a b : Int) : ITree Empty Int :=
ITree.corec (fun (a, b) =>
Expand Down
56 changes: 31 additions & 25 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/ITree.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,53 +48,59 @@ end Internal
abbrev Ans : Type := Int

def ITree E A := Internal.ITree Ans E A

namespace ITree

-- QPF gotcha: The parameters to ITree get reordered in the ctors somehow
def ITree.ret {E A} (r : A) : ITree E A := @Internal.ITree.ret A Ans E r
def ITree.tau {E A} (t : ITree E A) : ITree E A := @Internal.ITree.tau Ans E A t
def ITree.vis {E A} (e : E) (k : Ans -> ITree E A) := @Internal.ITree.vis E Ans A e k
def ret {E A} (r : A) : ITree E A := @Internal.ITree.ret A Ans E r
def tau {E A} (t : ITree E A) : ITree E A := @Internal.ITree.tau Ans E A t
def vis {E A} (e : E) (k : Ans -> ITree E A) := @Internal.ITree.vis E Ans A e k

abbrev ITree.Base E A β := Internal.ITree.Base Ans E A β
abbrev Base E A β := Internal.ITree.Base Ans E A β

def ITree.corec {E A β : Type} (f : β → ITree.Base E A β) (b : β) : ITree E A :=
MvQPF.Cofix.corec (n := 2) (F := TypeFun.ofCurried (ITree.Base)) f b
def corec {E A β : Type} (f : β → ITree.Base E A β) (b : β) : ITree E A
:= MvQPF.Cofix.corec (n := 2) (α := (Vec.reverse (Vec.nil.append1 A ::: E))) (F := TypeFun.ofCurried (n := 3) (ITree.Base)) f b

/-- Execute a finite amount of steps of a potentially infinite ITree.
Returns the events encountered along the way (if any), and the final state (if any).
Uses `f` to determine the answer to events. -/
def (t : ITree E A) (f : E -> Ans) : Nat -> (List E) × Option A
| 0 => ([], none)
| n+1 => match MvQPF.Cofix.dest t with
| .ret a => ([], some a)
| .tau t => run t f n
| .vis e k => by
let t : ITree E A := k (f e)
let (evs, ret) := run t f n
exact (e :: evs, ret)
def dest {E A : Type} : ITree E A -> ITree.Base E A (ITree E A)
:= MvQPF.Cofix.dest

@[cases_eliminator, elab_as_elim]
def ITree.cases {E A : Type} {motive : ITree E A → Sort u}
def cases {E A : Type} {motive : ITree E A → Sort u}
(ret : (r : A) → motive (.ret r))
(tau : (x : ITree E A) → motive (ITree.tau x))
(tau : (x : ITree E A) → motive (.tau x))
(vis : (e : E) → (k : Ans → ITree E A) → motive (.vis e k)) :
∀ (x : ITree E A), motive x :=
fun x =>
match h : MvQPF.Cofix.dest x with
| .ret r =>
have h : x = ITree.ret r := by
have h : x = .ret r := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ ret r
| .tau y =>
have h : x = ITree.tau y := by
have h : x = .tau y := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ tau y
| .vis e k =>
have h : x = ITree.vis e k := by
have h : x = .vis e k := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ vis e k

/-- Execute a finite amount of steps of a potentially infinite
Returns the events encountered along the way (if any), and the final state (if any).
Uses `f` to determine the answer to events. -/
def run (t : ITree E A) (f : E -> Ans) : Nat -> (List E) × Option A
| 0 => ([], none)
| n+1 => match t.dest with
| .ret a => ([], some a)
| .tau t => run t f n
| .vis e k => by
let t : ITree E A := k (f e)
let (evs, ret) := run t f n
exact (e :: evs, ret)

-- # Experimentation:

namespace WithSigma
Expand All @@ -103,8 +109,8 @@ namespace WithSigma
| tau (t : ι) -- ι = ITree ε ρ
| vis (e : ν) -- ν = Σ α : Type, ε α × α → ITree ε ρ

-- qpf F ε ρ ι ν = (Σ α : Type, ε α × α → ι)
-- qpf F (α : Type) ε ρ ι ν = Sigma G
-- qpf F ε ρ ι ν := (Σ α : Type, ε α × α → ι)
-- qpf F (α : Type) ε ρ ι ν := Sigma G

qpf G (α : Type) (ε : TypeType) ρ ι ν := ε α × (α → ι)

Expand Down
51 changes: 49 additions & 2 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Mem.lean
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Expand Up @@ -22,5 +22,52 @@ abbrev Mem : Type -> Type := ITree MemEv
def Mem.set (a : String) (b : Int) : Mem Unit := .vis (.write a b) (fun _unit => .ret ())
def Mem.get (v : String) : Mem Int := .vis (.read v) (fun ans => .ret ans)

-- TODO: interpreting memory events away into the boogie state monad.
-- def interp (handler : MemEv -> Boog Int) (t : Mem A) : Boog A :=
abbrev (v : String) : Mem Unit := do
let x <- get v
set v (x+1)

# Interpreting memory

/-- Transforms memory events into state monad actions. -/
-- def interp (tm : ITree MemEv A) (s₀ : BoogieState) : ITree Empty (A × BoogieState) :=
def interp (tm : ITree MemEv A) : StateT BoogieState (ITree Empty) A := fun s₀ =>
ITree.corec (fun ⟨tm, s⟩ =>
match tm.dest with
| .ret a => .ret (a, s)
| .tau t => .tau (t, s)
| .vis (.read v) k =>
let ⟨val, s'⟩ := Boog.get v s
.tau ⟨k val, s'⟩
| .vis (.write v val) k =>
let ⟨(), s'⟩ := Boog.set v (pure val) s
.tau ⟨k (default), s'⟩ -- TODO: Instead of `default : Int`, this should be `() : Unit` once the QPF ITree limitation is gone.
) (tm, s₀)

def writeForever : ITree MemEv Empty
:= ITree.corec (fun a => .vis (MemEv.write "x" 1) (fun _unit => a) ) 0

-- ? If it terminates, can you extract the state transition function?
#check fun s₀ => (interp ( "x") s₀) 0 2 |>.2
-- #eval (interp ( "x") {}) 0 2 |>.2

#check interp writeForever
#check (interp writeForever {}) 0 0
#reduce (interp writeForever {}) 0 0

theorem interp_ret : interp (.ret x) s = .ret (x, s) := by
rw [interp]

section Experiment
-- ## Crazy idea, what if...

def interp_crazy (t : ITree MemEv A) : ITree Empty (A × (BoogieState -> BoogieState -> Prop)) :=
match t.dest with
| .ret r => .ret (r, (. = .))
| .tau r => sorry
| .vis e k => sorry

end Experiment
124 changes: 73 additions & 51 deletions LeanBoogie/ITree/Monad.lean
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@@ -1,45 +1,68 @@
import LeanBoogie.ITree.ITree
import LeanBoogie.ITree.Eutt

namespace ITree

# `ITree` forms a monad

def ITree.pure (a : A) : ITree E A := .ret a

def ITree.bind (ta : ITree E A) (tb : A -> ITree E B) : ITree E B :=
ITree.corec (fun ta => ta.cases
(fun (a : A) =>
let tb : ITree E B := tb a

) -- :(
(fun ta => .tau ta)
(fun e k => .vis e (fun x => k x))
) ta
def pure (a : A) : ITree E A := .ret a

def bind (ta : ITree E A) (tb : A -> ITree E B) : ITree E B :=
ITree.corec (β := Sum (ITree E A) (ITree E B)) (fun x =>
match x with
| .inl ta =>
match ta.dest with
| .ret (a : A) =>
let tb : ITree E B := tb a
let tbdest : ITree.Base E B (ITree E B) := tb.dest
have : TypeFun.ofCurried Base ((Vec.reverse (Vec.nil.append1 B ::: E)).append1 (ITree E B)) = Base E B (ITree E B) := rfl
let INR : TypeVec.Arrow
((Vec.reverse (Vec.nil.append1 B ::: E)).append1 (ITree E B))
((Vec.reverse (Vec.nil.append1 B ::: E)).append1 (ITree E A ⊕ ITree E B))
:= TypeVec.appendFun Sum.inr
let ret : ITree.Base E B (ITree E A ⊕ ITree E B) := (F := TypeFun.ofCurried (n := 3) ITree.Base) INR (this ▸ tbdest)
| .tau t => .tau (.inl t)
| .vis e k => .vis e (fun x => .inl (k x))
| .inr b =>
match b.dest with
| .ret (b : B) => .ret b
| .tau t => .tau (.inr t)
| .vis e k => .vis e (fun x => .inr (k x))
) (Sum.inl ta)

instance : Monad (ITree E) where
pure := ITree.pure
bind := ITree.bind

#check LawfulMonad
pure := pure
bind := bind

instance : LawfulFunctor (ITree E) where
map_const := sorry
id_map := sorry
comp_map := sorry
instance : LawfulMonad (ITree E) where
seqLeft_eq := sorry
seqRight_eq := sorry
pure_seq := sorry
bind_pure_comp := sorry
bind_map := sorry
pure_bind := sorry
bind_assoc := sorry

/- ## Helpers for writing imperative programs -/

def ITree.skip : ITree E Unit := .ret ()
def ITree.spin : ITree E A := ITree.corec (fun n => .tau n) 0
def ITree.seq (a b : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := bind a (fun () => b)
def ITree.trigger (e : E) : ITree E Int := .vis e (fun ans => .ret ans)
def skip : ITree E Unit := .ret ()
def spin : ITree E A := corec (fun n => .tau n) 0
def seq (a b : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := bind a (fun () => b)
def trigger (e : E) : ITree E Int := .vis e (fun ans => .ret ans)
def ite (c : ITree E Bool) (t e : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := bind c (fun c => if c then t else e)
abbrev ifthen (c : ITree E Bool) (t : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit := ite c t skip

def ITree.ite (c : ITree E Bool) (t e : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit
:= bind c (fun c => if c then t else e)
def assume (φ : Prop) [Decidable φ] : ITree E Unit := if φ then skip else spin

abbrev ITree.ifthen (c : ITree E Bool) (t : ITree E Unit) : ITree E Unit
:= ite c t skip

def ITree.assume (φ : Prop) [Decidable φ] : ITree E Unit := if φ then skip else spin

/- # Iter
From the ITrees paper, page 12:
CoFixpoint iter (body : A → itree E (A + B)) : A → itree E B :=
fun a ⇒ ab <- body a ;;
Expand All @@ -57,27 +80,26 @@ def ITree.assume (φ : Prop) [Decidable φ] : ITree E Unit := if φ then skip el
end) (inr a).

-- -- ! Wait,... we don't have loops. We just have blocks.
-- def loop (step : A -> ITree E (Sum A B)) (a : A) : ITree E B :=
-- sorry

-- /--
-- iter step a : ITree E B
-- step (iter step a) : ITree E B
-- -/
-- def iter (step : A -> ITree E (Sum A B)) (a : A) : ITree E B :=
-- ITree.corec (fun iter_ =>
-- bind (step iter_) (fun
-- | .inl a => step a
-- | .inr b => .ret (.inr b)
-- )
-- ) a
-- -- ITree.corec (fun
-- -- | .inl a => .tau (step a)
-- -- | .inr b => .ret b
-- -- ) (Sum.inl a)

-- -- ITree.bind (step a) (fun
-- -- | .inl a => step a
-- -- | .inr b => sorry
-- -- )
/-- Repeat a computation until it returns `B`. -/
def iter (body : A -> ITree E (Sum A B)) (a : A) : ITree E B := sorry
-- ITree.corec (β := Sum A Unit) (fun x =>
-- match x with
-- | .inl a =>
-- let res := bind (body a) (fun ab =>
-- match ab with
-- | .inl a => sorry
-- | .inr b => sorry
-- )
-- match res.dest with
-- | .ret a => sorry
-- | .tau a => sorry
-- | .vis e k => sorry
-- -- | .vis e k => .vis e (fun x => .inl (k x))
-- | .inr b =>
-- match b.dest with
-- | .ret (b : B) => .ret b
-- | .tau t => .tau (.inr t)
-- | .vis e k => .vis e (fun x => .inr (k x))
-- ) (Sum.inl a)

def loop (body : Sum C A -> ITree E (Sum C B)) (a : A) : ITree E B := sorry

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