Cooperative Neurofeedback - A multiplayer game controlled with your brain
The server side is a single redis instance.
This can be started on a machine with Docker installed using _communication/docker/
Python dependencies:
- neurodecode
- redis
- pathlib
can be installed via the following steps:
git submodule init
thengit submodule update
cd _communication/deps/NeuroDecode
python{3} develop
Data is sent to the server-side on a redis queue per player. This is in the format:
"(, [0|1], )", where the second parameter indicates whether the data is sent during a resting state (0) or gaming state (1).
For the demo, the two headsets in use must have the following names: P04/01 P04/02
This is to allow mapping the data from headsets to the two streams Unity expects to receive.
The Unity game sends back commands to clients by writing to a redis key with the following values:
"resting_" -> signifies clients to start resting state with the given duration "EOF" -> signifies end of a game