This data contains data obtained from Glottolog, a comprehensive reference for the world's languages, supplemented by information scraped from Wikipedia.
column name | description |
pk | primary key |
id | Glottocode associated to the language |
name | Language name |
latitude | |
longitude | |
speakers_count | Number of speakers (obtained from Wikipedia); Warning - lots of missing values. |
father_pk | The primary key of this language's father language |
family_pk | The primary key of this language's family |
level | dialect, language, or family |
child_family_count | the total number of descendant families |
child_language_count | the total number of descendant languages |
child_dialect_count | the total number of descendant dialects |
macroareas | An area of the globe, as defined by glottolog |
status | The Agglomerated Endangerment Status, a measure of how endangered a language is. |