This is a CLI application that uses a smart contract to commit votes and then later on reveal the votes to determine the winner.
It's based on the blog written by Karl Floresch here.
First inlcude all dependencies:
This application uses the latest truffle beta version to compile solidity.
If your truffle version is behind, first do 'npm uninstall truffle'
npm install -g truffle@beta
npm install -g ganache-cli
npm install
Run ganache-cli locally:
After ganache runs successfully, copy one of the Eth Accounts displayed and replace the config.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT in the cli/cli.js
Compile & Migrate solidity
truffle compile
truffle migrate
npm link
ethvote start
ethvote status
ethvote commit
ethvote reveal
First, you must run 'ethvote start' to deploy the contract
Then, call 'ethvote status' at any point to view the voting statistics.
'ethvote commit' and 'ethvote reveal' will open a promp to guide you on voting
'ethvote --help or -h' for options