This is a proof-of-concept preview release of the main GPU kernels used in a convolutional neural network (CNN). They are being incorporated into a forthcoming release of Nervana's full-featured Deep Learning Library, which is currently in limited beta. The preview includes convolutional fprop-backprop-update kernels, dense matrix multiply (GEMM) kernels, and automatically generated element-wise kernels. The kernels use an underlying 16-bit representation used in a recent paper by Courbariaux et al.1 from the Bengio lab, where they demonstrate that representations as low as 12 bits are sufficient for both learning and inference for several state-of-the-art deep networks.
We are releasing this library to solicit feedback for our full release. In addition to being very high performance, it will facilitate explorations of limited bit-width, integer-like numerical representations for deep networks.
The kernels were designed using MaxAs, our assembler for the NVIDIA Maxwell GPU.
Here are some features of the kernels:
They achieve near full utilization on the Maxwell GPU for all kernels, including convolutional backprop and update, and are one of the fastest implementations we know of.
The 16-bit representation means twice the memory I/O bandwidth and twice the amount of data elements that can fit into DDR.
The kernels allow you to set your precision for each operand enabling algorithmic explorations at different bit widths.
The convolutional kernel features and function arguments are identical to those of cuDNN, with the addition of 3-D convolutions.
This release supports a 16-bit representation using a 15-bit mantissa and sign bit. The integer word length (iwl) can be specified per tensor operand. The underlying operations use the native 32-bit floating point arithmetic of the GPU.
We have a library of fast kernels we use for our internal efforts. These kernels support a wider range of problem sizes, operations, and numerical formats, and flexible bit-widths. We plan to share them in a future release.
Vanhoucke et al.2 demonstrated limited-precision fixed-point SIMD optimizations for CPUs with significant speed improvements for inference in a mixed HMM/NN large vocabulary system. Coubariaux et al.1 recently showed success with limited precision for both inference and learning.
We modeled our kernels' functionality on NVIDIA's cuDNN library described in Chetlur et al.3. The GEMM kernels are also based on NVIDIA's work as we previously noted here.
There is a large number of academic results with CNNs and high quality open source packages4-6 from which we have learned. Note that a Fourier domain approach such as Vasilache et al.5 can outperform our kernels for certain problem sizes at the cost of additional memory and flexibility.
Andrew Lavin very recently demonstrated7 a similar approach using MaxAs for performing fprop in 32-bit floating point with full utilization on Maxwell (repository, writeup). The differences with our kernels are our 16-bit representation, support for backprop and update in addition to fprop, in-place zero padding, upscaling, and 3D convolutions.
The kernels are wrapped using Python classes which have numpy
as dependencies. The wrapper classes borrow from pycuda's
GPUArray class. The kernels run on NVIDIA Maxwell only and have been
tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
The following demonstration scripts are included:
is a simple script that runs forward prop, backprop and update kernels.% python fprop_conv NCK: (128,192,384) DHW:[1, 13, 13] TRS:[1, 3, 3] MPQ:[1, 11, 11]: 4.478526 msecs 4589.5 gflops bprop_conv NCK: (128,192,384) DHW:[1, 13, 13] TRS:[1, 3, 3] MPQ:[1, 11, 11]: 4.429529 msecs 4640.3 gflops update_conv NCK: (128,192,384) DHW:[1, 13, 13] TRS:[1, 3, 3] MPQ:[1, 11, 11]: 4.437881 msecs 4631.5 gflops
is a simple script that runs several GEMM kernels. -
is a script to generate some of the numbers for Soumith Chintala's page.% python Our numbers (Layers 1-5 and total in msecs, lower is better): forward: [ 41. 112. 42. 5. 9.] total=208 backward: [ 139. 240. 87. 9. 18.] total=493 gradInput: [ 81. 124. 46. 5. 9.] total=264 gradWeight: [ 58. 116. 41. 4. 9.] total=228 For comparison, cuDNN R2 reference numbers, from (accessed 2/2/15): forward: [ 90. 218. 79. 9. 17.] total=413 backward: [ 189. 606. 230. 27. 47.] total=1099 gradInput: [ 91. 344. 130. 15. 20.] total=600 gradWeight: [ 98. 262. 100. 12. 27.] total=499
The scripts output basic performance metrics. For more detail, you can
tool. Keep in mind there are a number of subtle factors determining
utilization and FLOPS numbers, such as the entropy of the
inputs. Please consult the documentation.
Please note the terms of the software in LICENSE.txt, including non-commercial use and reverse engineering clauses. If you wish to license this or related software, please contact us at [email protected]. Flexpoint™ refers to the different numerical representations we use in our CPU and GPU libraries, as well as in Nervana's forthcoming hardware.
Courbariaux, Matthieu, Yoshua Bengio, and Jean-Pierre David. Low precision arithmetic for deep learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7024 (2014).
Vanhoucke, Vincent, Andrew Senior, and Mark Z. Mao. [Improving the speed of neural networks on CPUs.] ( Proc. Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning NIPS Workshop (2011).
Chetlur, Sharan, Cliff Woolley, Philippe Vandermersch, Jonathan Cohen, John Tran, Bryan Catanzaro, and Evan Shelhamer. cuDNN: Efficient primitives for deep learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.0759 (2014).
Jia, Yangqing, Evan Shelhamer, Jeff Donahue, Sergey Karayev, Jonathan Long, Ross Girshick, Sergio Guadarrama, and Trevor Darrell. Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast feature embedding. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 675-678. ACM (2014).
Vasilache, Nicolas, Jeff Johnson, Michael Mathieu, Soumith Chintala, Serkan Piantino, and Yann LeCun. Fast Convolutional Nets With fbfft: A GPU Performance Evaluation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7580 (2014).
Krizhevsky, Alex, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey E. Hinton. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. NIPS (2012).
Lavin, Andrew. maxDNN: An Efficient Convolution Kernel for Deep Learning with Maxwell GPUs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.06633 (2015).